I am facing issue that when selecting image from previously uploaded images there is no callback that gets fired. But when we upload new file the imageUpload file gets fired.
Thanks in advance, I will be waiting for your input on this, I know this is not an issue but I need to find a way to achieve this and this will also help other devs as well.
Good work guys.
I am facing issue that when selecting image from previously uploaded images there is no callback that gets fired. But when we upload new file the imageUpload file gets fired.
Thanks in advance, I will be waiting for your input on this, I know this is not an issue but I need to find a way to achieve this and this will also help other devs as well.
'clientOptions' => [ // 'buttons' => ['format', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'deleted', 'lists', 'image', 'link', 'horizontalrule', 'align'], 'plugins' => ['fontcolor', 'imagemanager'], 'fileUpload' => false, 'multipleImageUpload' => true, 'minHeight' => '300px', 'blurCallback' => new \yii\web\JsExpression("function(e) { $('#add-blog').yiiActiveForm('validateAttribute', 'travellogue-description'); }"), 'imageUploadCallback' => new \yii\web\JsExpression("function(image, json) { // alert(456); image.addClass('img-custom-responsive img-responsive').css({'width' : '100%'}); }"), ],