yiiext / yii2-yii-bridge

Yii bridge between v1.1.x and v2.0
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Rename this extension to yii2-yii-bridge or clarify the purpose #6

Closed motin closed 9 years ago

motin commented 9 years ago

It seems that this extension allows one to use old models in your Yii2 application, but not the other way around. Is this so?

Thus, this is a Yii 2 extension? If so, it should be prefixed by "yii2-".

slavcodev commented 9 years ago

Right, this extension allows to use old models in Yii2 application. But I'm not sure that need to rename. The extension works only if we have yii1 and becomes unnecessary when we adjust all code to new framework.

motin commented 9 years ago

I'm writing yii-yii2-bridge - a bridge for Yii 1 to be able to use Yii 2 code, so a rename would definitively avoid some confusion :) Also, it may take many months or years before people stop using Yii 1. Companies that have invested in Yii 1 applications will not immediately upgrade. These bridges however makes it possible to upgrade bit by bit, which is why it is important that they exist and are properly named.

schmunk42 commented 9 years ago

Agree with @motin all Yii 2.0 extensions should be prefixed with yii2.

slavcodev commented 9 years ago

@schmunk42, As I mention above, IMO, It isn't an extension for Yii2.

motin commented 9 years ago

@slavcodev As I understand it, it is meant to be used in Yii 2 applications, and not in Yii 1 applications (Example in readme says "Save Yii1 AR in Yii2 controller"). Any piece of reusable component that is meant to be used in Yii 2 applications is basically a Yii 2 extension.

Also, look at it from an external user's perspective. Bobby has a Yii 2 application and wants to use Yii 1 models. Alice has a Yii 1 application and want to use Yii 2 widgets. The following extensions are available currently:

yii-bridge yii-yii2-bridge

It is not evident which extension is for which purpose. If however they would be named like so:

yii2-yii-bridge yii-yii2-bridge

... one would immediately understand which component is meant to be included in a Yii 2 application and which one to be included in a Yii 1 application.

Also, read the guidelines from http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-structure-extensions.html#package-name:

We recommend you prefix yii2- to the project name for packages representing Yii 2 extensions, for example, myname/yii2-mywidget. This will allow users to more easily tell whether a package is a Yii 2 extension.

slavcodev commented 9 years ago

OK, guys! Will do in next week.

slavcodev commented 9 years ago


motin commented 9 years ago

Thanks for bringing clarity :)