If the configuration has been changed, a question is asked with three options:
Ignore, do nothing (default if just press ENTER).
Replace the local version with the new version.
Copy the new version of the file with the postfix ". dist".
After this selection, another question will be asked:
Apply this action to all the following files? (yes/no)
This question is only asked once (at the first choice).
When remove a package, will also be asked whether to remove the configuration files.
If you run composer update --no-interaction, nothing will be changed. But after the operation, a list of files that differ will be displayed.
When you run the composer create-project command, no questions will be asked about file changes, but a list of files that were changed to run the application template will be displayed.
Implemented in this pull request
If the configuration has been changed, a question is asked with three options:
After this selection, another question will be asked:
This question is only asked once (at the first choice).
When remove a package, will also be asked whether to remove the configuration files.
When you run the
composer create-project
command, no questions will be asked about file changes, but a list of files that were changed to run the application template will be displayed.