yiisoft / yii2-twig

Yii 2 Twig extension.
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The $context arg in render don't preserve the "internal context" in a double call of render #128

Open ivan-redooc opened 3 years ago

ivan-redooc commented 3 years ago

Using a "render" inside a model break the ability of Twig to include afterwards includes

What steps will reproduce the problem?

File structure




class AlfaController{
  funtion action index(){
     $user=new User();
     return $this->render("index.twig",['user'=>$user])



class User{
  public function getProfile(){
        $context = new ViewContext([
            'viewPath' => "@app/views/templates",

      return \Yii::$app->getView()->render("profile.twig",[],$context);


class ViewContext extends BaseObject implements ViewContextInterface
    public $viewPath;
    public function getViewPath ()
        return \Yii::getAlias($this->viewPath);



   {# here the second render #}

   {# the include will fail #}
   {{include "footer.twig"}}



{# nothing special here #}
I'm a user


{# nothing special here #}

What's expected?

A render like this


I'm a user



What do you get instead?

Error: \Twig\Error\LoaderError Message: Unable to find template "footer.twig" (looked into: frontend/views/templates, frontend/views). Throwing point: file: vendor/twig/twig/src/Loader/FilesystemLoader.php line: 227

Additional info

In funtion render of vendor/yiisoft/yii2-twig/src/ViewRenderer.php a new FilesystemLoader was set inside the $this->twig object, so the next call (by the include) can't find the TWIG in a different path ( in this case frontend/views/templates):

    public function render($view, $file, $params)
        $this->twig->addGlobal('this', $view);
        $loader = new FilesystemLoader(dirname($file));
        if ($view instanceof View) {
            $this->addFallbackPaths($loader, $view->theme);

        $this->addAliases($loader, Yii::$aliases);

        // Change lexer syntax (must be set after other settings)
        if (!empty($this->lexerOptions)) {

        return $this->twig->render(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME), $params);

The $context is not involved in this business-logic.

A possible solution (I'm adopting) is to define in main.php a second view with twig render in $app

Yii version 2.0.38
Yii Twig version 2.4.0
Twig version v3.0.5
PHP version 7.3
Operating system Ubuntu
ivan-redooc commented 3 years ago

@samdark I think I can help. Already have an idea, I can share if you like.

samdark commented 3 years ago

Yes, please.

ivan-redooc commented 3 years ago

Because the core of ViewContextInterface is the function getViewPath() we can use it as index of array of FilesystemLoader.

So my idea (still to test) is:

     * @var FilesystemLoader[]
     * @since
    protected $loaders=[];
    public function render($view, $file, $params)
        $this->twig->addGlobal('this', $view);

        if(isset($this->loaders[$view->context->getViewPath()])) {
            // I reuse if already created
            $loader = $this->loaders[$view->context->getViewPath()];
        } else {
            // just one time
            $loader = new FilesystemLoader(dirname($file));
            if ($view instanceof View) {
                $this->addFallbackPaths($loader, $view->theme);

            $this->addAliases($loader, Yii::$aliases);

        // Change lexer syntax (must be set after other settings)
        if (!empty($this->lexerOptions)) {

        return $this->twig->render(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME), $params);
developedsoftware commented 1 year ago

I am having the exact same issue. Did you ever find a solution?

developedsoftware commented 1 year ago

I think I may have solved this by altering https://github.com/twigphp/Twig/tree/3.x/src/Template.php

Whenever we call loadTemplate() I am adding the path of the currently loading template to the list of paths to check


protected function loadTemplate($template, $templateName = null, $line = null, $index = null)

        try {

            if (\is_array($template)) {
                return $this->env->resolveTemplate($template);

            if ($template instanceof self || $template instanceof TemplateWrapper) {
                return $template;

            if ($template === $this->getTemplateName()) {
                $class = static::class;
                if (false !== $pos = strrpos($class, '___', -1)) {
                    $class = substr($class, 0, $pos);
            } else {
                $class = $this->env->getTemplateClass($template);

            return $this->env->loadTemplate($class, $template, $index);
        } catch (Error $e) {
            if (!$e->getSourceContext()) {
                $e->setSourceContext($templateName ? new Source('', $templateName) : $this->getSourceContext());

            if ($e->getTemplateLine() > 0) {
                throw $e;

            if (!$line) {
            } else {

            throw $e;

After (added 2 lines of code after the try block)

protected function loadTemplate($template, $templateName = null, $line = null, $index = null)

        try {

            $source = $this->getSourceContext();

            if (\is_array($template)) {
                return $this->env->resolveTemplate($template);

            if ($template instanceof self || $template instanceof TemplateWrapper) {
                return $template;

            if ($template === $this->getTemplateName()) {
                $class = static::class;
                if (false !== $pos = strrpos($class, '___', -1)) {
                    $class = substr($class, 0, $pos);
            } else {
                $class = $this->env->getTemplateClass($template);

            return $this->env->loadTemplate($class, $template, $index);
        } catch (Error $e) {
            if (!$e->getSourceContext()) {
                $e->setSourceContext($templateName ? new Source('', $templateName) : $this->getSourceContext());

            if ($e->getTemplateLine() > 0) {
                throw $e;

            if (!$line) {
            } else {

            throw $e;

Should I open an issue upstream? Or can we override that functionality from within the yii2-twig implementation of twig?

developedsoftware commented 1 year ago


This one line inside loadTemplate() seems to do the trick ;)