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serialized object in db #10823

Closed pkirill99 closed 8 years ago

pkirill99 commented 8 years ago

hi all

system php5.6 pgsql9+ yii2.0.6

I have simple model

class Table
    extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
     * @inheritdoc
    public function rules() {
        return [
            [['object'], 'string'],


$this->createTable('{{%table}}', [
            'id'             => $this->bigPrimaryKey(),
            'object'         => $this->text(),

and component

class Manager
    extends Component
    public $a1 = null;
    public $a2 = 'default_manager';
    public $a3 = null;
    public $a4 = 0;
    public $a5 = null;

    public function changeStatus($status) {
        return true;

I doing next action

$manager = Yii::createObject([ ..........  ]);
$model = new Table();
$model->object = serialize($manager);

and ..... $object = unserialize($model->object); trying unserialize data and have

PHP Notice – yii\base\ErrorException unserialize(): Error at offset 185 of 189 bytes

because data in $model->object is corrupt

if I use base64 -

$model->object = base64_encode(serialize($manager));
$object =  unserialize(base64_decode($model->object));

no problem

and objects in yii\rbac\DbManager - serialized and unserialised wo problem.... but DbManager not use AR model for insert data in db

SilverFire commented 8 years ago

Try to use blob type for DB field

SilverFire commented 8 years ago

As far as I see, the problem does not relate Yii, but PHP and DBMS. I'm closing it for now. Feel free to post your thoughts here

pkirill99 commented 8 years ago

yii\rbac\DbManager used "text" type in DB also, not a blob

SilverFire commented 8 years ago

Is it related to https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/issues/10176?

pkirill99 commented 8 years ago

hm ... in my example DbManager is work. I related to DbManager as example. But the bug is similar. in db I see trimmed data


klimov-paul commented 8 years ago

Most likely field max value size if not enough to contain all the data.

pkirill99 commented 8 years ago

no, "text"-type of field in unlimited, and if i use base64 - lenght is even more

cebe commented 8 years ago

text is not unlimited, it is limited to 65536 bytes, see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/storage-requirements.html

klimov-paul commented 8 years ago

So it is the same as #10176

klimov-paul commented 8 years ago

@cebe, we are talking about PostgreSQL here.

cebe commented 8 years ago

oops, sorry :)

klimov-paul commented 8 years ago

Can you catch the serialized string before it is saved and try to run INSERT query with it manually? Does it saves data into the text column correctly?

klimov-paul commented 8 years ago

If direct saving of the string runs correctly, try to enable Connection::emulatePrepare. May be PDO parameter binding causes this trouble.

pkirill99 commented 8 years ago

i have test, i put string data in "text" field and put data in JSON in one model, in one transaction

see difference: in text O:21:"common\models\Manager":7:s:7:"account";s:1:"1";s:4:"name";s:15:"default_manager";s:6:"amount";d:369;s:8:"currency";i:0;s:6:"target";a:1:{s:2:"id";i:21;}s:27:"

and in JSON: {"manager":"O:21:\"common\\models\\Manager\":7:{s:7:\"account\";s:1:\"1\";s:4:\"name\";s:15:\"default_manager\";s:6:\"amount\";d:369;s:8:\"currency\";i:0;s:6:\"target\";a:1:{s:2:\"id\";i:21;}s:27:\"\u0000yii\\base\\Component\u0000_events\";a:0:{}s:30:\"\u0000yii\\base\\Component\u0000_behaviors\";N;}"}

and see .... \u0000 - symbol - NULL in unicode .

klimov-paul commented 8 years ago

So PostgreSQL itself rejects the string? If you try to save string with \u0000 symbol string saving ends on it?

pkirill99 commented 8 years ago

no .... i try save sdfdsfsfsa\u0000dfsafdsafsfsa - and PG saved

NULL is not terminating in model

pkirill99 commented 8 years ago

and from where NULL undertook?

klimov-paul commented 8 years ago

Can you retrieve orrginal text of serialized data? And try save it without Yii, PDO and even PHP being involved?

Post the actual trouble-making string here.

pkirill99 commented 8 years ago

string(241) "O:21:"common\models\Manager":7:{s:7:"account";s:1:"1";s:4:"name";s:15:"default_manager";s:6:"amount";d:492;s:8:"currency";i:0;s:6:"target";a:1:{s:2:"id";i:22;}s:27:"yii\base\Component_events";a:0:{}s:30:"yii\base\Component_behaviors";N;}"

pkirill99 commented 8 years ago

but NULL is not show, and string size 237 wo NULL

klimov-paul commented 8 years ago

So, does PostgreSQL trims this string while saving without PHP envolved? Can you try it at console client or "phppgadmin"?

pkirill99 commented 8 years ago

in C/C++ NULL is the end of string

in Component yii\base\Component _events yii\base\Component _behaviors private fields

in https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/issues/10176 - same problem (private fields)

in phppgadmin string data is saved to db, but no unserialised, maybe NULL is marker of private field, and from JSON with terminating NULL - unserialized wo problem

kidol commented 8 years ago


Note: Object's private members have the class name prepended to the member name; protected members have a '*' prepended to the member name. These prepended values have null bytes on either side.

Maybe DbManager should use a binary column type to store this data, or store as json instead.

pkirill99 commented 8 years ago

DbManaget use text also

Rule extends Object and have not a private fields

and yes ....

These prepended values have null bytes on either side.

utf8_encode doesn't help

klimov-paul commented 8 years ago

Code to reproduce:

$model = new Item(); // refer to table with 'description' column of type 'text'
$model->description = 'begin ' . "\x00" . ' end';
echo $model->canonicalDescription;
klimov-paul commented 8 years ago

Same problem with varying(255) column type

klimov-paul commented 8 years ago

Relates: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11322624/why-psycopg2-can-not-insert-string-like-x00

kidol commented 8 years ago


Rule extends Object and have not a private fields

But in related issue someone used custom rule with private property.

Re your issue, what's the problem now? Just change column type to some binary format. Nothing Yii can do when you manually try to store NULL bytes in text column.

pkirill99 commented 8 years ago

it is not a true solution, it is a crutch

if NULL is a normal part of string in PHP - it means has to work also it is a problem of a framework

kidol commented 8 years ago

Then what should Yii do if NULL byte detected in string?

pkirill99 commented 8 years ago

Model must should terminating for save in DB (PG and any with same architecture) and unterminating for external code

otherwise it is necessary to do handlers of NULL everywhere

kidol commented 8 years ago

You mean escaping the NULL bytes in some way and then unescaping when retrieving? I don't think that's possible. Even if possible, it would change string size and add magic (data now different in db).

PHP manual even says:

Note that this is a binary string which may include null bytes, and needs to be stored and handled as such. For example, serialize() output should generally be stored in a BLOB field in a database, rather than a CHAR or TEXT field.

>>>binary<<< string

SamMousa commented 8 years ago

Could it be this? http://blog.rwky.net/2011/01/php-pgsql-pdo-and-null-bytes.html

SDKiller commented 8 years ago


Yes, you are right. This issue was closed as 'not a bug':

Serialized content of private/protected properties contain \0 inside the generated string. This causes truncation, to avoid it you need to change the column type to binary and write data as a binary string.

SilverFire commented 8 years ago

Thank you for digging in. I'm closing the issue since it's not Yii2 - related

SDKiller commented 8 years ago


IMO, it is Yii2-related - since framework proposes text type in migrations and thus creates prerequsites for possible issues.

For example in:


as it is supposed to save serialized object in \yii\rbac\DbManager::addRule - the issue may occur (or may not - depending on specific object).

From the other side, Yii2 does not provide migrations for DbSession, but in phpdoc for \yii\web\DbSession::$sessionTable it is exactly stated that data column should be of BLOB type.

Upd: I mean - probably separate issue should be created about column types in bundled migrations for serialized data structures.

SamMousa commented 8 years ago

@SDKiller how does the framework suggest a type? SchemaBuilderTrait also has ->binary()..

pkirill99 commented 8 years ago

no .... this problem is not in migrations and not in field type

"text" === "text" "text" != "binary"