yijingru / BBAVectors-Oriented-Object-Detection

[WACV2021] Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images with Box Boundary-Aware Vectors
MIT License
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dota_kit' #128

Closed lihlong closed 2 years ago

lihlong commented 2 years ago

我下载DOTA_devkit到datasets目录里,然后也把里面setup.py中要用到的包都pip install了,然后他说要下载swig工具也下载并且添加到环境目录了;然后我以为一切都配置好了,就在终端输入:python main.py --data_dir dataPath --epochs 80 --batch_size 16 --dataset dota --phase train,然后他报错说没有叫dota_kit的module,于是我去DOTA_devkit中看了一下,确实没找到dota_kit这个东东,请问有朋友知道是咋回事吗,孩子要emo了55

lihlong commented 2 years ago

oh,i just update the name and reopen the pycharm, and then it's done

123comeon123 commented 7 months ago
