yiliai / TipCalculator

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TipCalculator Submission #1

Open yiliai opened 10 years ago

yiliai commented 10 years ago

Hi @thecodepath and @timothy1ee

Here's a list of optional tasks completed: 1) Save bill amount and last tip selection across app restarts, within 10 minutes 2) Use locale specific currency and currency thousands separators. 3) Light/dark color theme 4) Added animation between initial app state to when user puts focus to the bill edit field

Known issues: 1) Locale specific currency is not updated until app restart 2) Brief flashing of the navigation bar tint color when changing the theme color 3) Text field (for bill amount) doesn't conform to the animation 4) Code cleanup and style fixes

Looking forward to hearing back from you. Thanks!

Basic functionality untitled-9

Settings page settings

Theme color change and save bill amount across app restart theme

Locale change locale

timothy1ee commented 10 years ago

Great, can you pick a 15 minute slot here: https://www.google.com/calendar/selfsched?sstoken=UVBDTi1jVkx4SldqfGRlZmF1bHR8MGVhNTlkZDFmYzQzODdkNDFhZjQ0NWQyZjFiMDU3Nzg

The next slots are this coming Thursday and Friday. Once you've picked a slot, can you edit it with your phone number?