yilozt / mutter-rounded

A window manager for GNOME, with rounded corners patch
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Blur on every application #37

Open OhEmmaGee opened 2 years ago

OhEmmaGee commented 2 years ago

Hi there, is there a way to achieve blur on every application instead of specifying the class of each one of them? I am on Fluent GTK Theme which allows us to have transparent backgrounds in GTK applications, but using blurme extension shows some artifacts on the borders with this mutter fork when the round corners are adjusted. So is it possible that we could turn on blur universally instead of adding applications in a whitelist?

NeuronSooup commented 2 years ago

How can I blur nautilus (gnome file) and firefox, brave in the blur list ? And yeah having a universal blur would be nice

itsneeku commented 2 years ago

Looking for the same. Being able to enable blur on all apps would be amazing.

TyraVex commented 2 years ago

bump for gnome files it's org.gnome.Nautilus

TyraVex commented 2 years ago

and about everything else I don't know, the picker feature doesn't work on arch

Tremeschin commented 2 years ago

Hacky solution here, put the following lines into a shellscript file and run it. I assume you have yay installed.

yay -Sy --needed --noconfirm ut base-devel git
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/mutter-rounded.git
cd mutter-rounded
git checkout a2ee6c
sed -i "s/!meta_prefs_in_blur_list/meta_prefs_in_blur_list/g" rounded_corners.patch
sed -i "s/meson\ test/#meson\ test/g" PKGBUILD
makepkg -si --skipchecksums

It does a few things, namely:

An obvious issue I found at first is that we probably should never ever apply blur on video players or browsers content :thinking: there's probably some reasoning on not having a global toggle option, fun experiment though.

Use at your own risk!!

TyraVex commented 2 years ago

This works flawlessly thank you <3