How exactly should I specify
base_dummy_revolute_jointbase_dummy_prismatic_x_jointbase_dummy_prismatic_y_joint in the kinematics.yaml file to make the real youBot base move as it is visualized in RViz. Currently, I'm using config and launch files under yiming/src/youbot_baseIK_moveit . Currently, only the arm joints seem to be working. Urgent help needed.
Hello there I am now doing the youbot project as well. I found this post after google-ing the same problem. So far I know MoveIt only not able to control base motion.
So how did you solve this issue so far?
How exactly should I specify
in thekinematics.yaml
file to make the real youBot base move as it is visualized in RViz. Currently, I'm using config and launch files underyiming/src/youbot_baseIK_moveit
. Currently, only the arm joints seem to be working. Urgent help needed.