yinanhe / ForgeryNet

[CVPR 2021 Oral] ForgeryNet: A Versatile Benchmark for Comprehensive Forgery Analysis
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How can I open Training.tar.4 file? #23

Closed inglis92 closed 2 years ago

inglis92 commented 2 years ago

Hello, you did a great job with Forgerynet.

I requested and obtained access to the Training folder, I downloaded one of the files contained, but I can't open it because of its extension. "Training.tar.4" for example, how can i open this folder as an ".tar"?

yinanhe commented 2 years ago

Hi, There are 5 files in the training set from 0 to 4. You should gather them together by command following,

cat Training.tar.* >> Training.tar
tar-xvf Training.tar
inglis92 commented 2 years ago

Thanks! Following those commands i'll download all the training set? What if i need just a part of them? I am writing my university thesis on ForgeryNet and my teacher told me to download just a part of the whole dataset, but i don't know how...

yinanhe commented 2 years ago

Yes, you can unpack the Training.tar.4 by tar -xvf Training.tar.4. But as you say, it only has the real part of the whole dataset.

inglis92 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the help! Just one last question: Where I need to write this commands? I'm sorry if this question may be stupid but it's the first time i approach to a dataset

yinanhe commented 2 years ago

In the download path where you save the tar.

inglis92 commented 2 years ago

I used chrome to download the Training.tar.4 . When I try to download any other Training.tar.* it won't finish beacause of a "forbidden" error in Chrome. Is there a way to download it without using Chrome? Thanks for patience!

yinanhe commented 2 years ago

Maybe you can reference #19