yindaz / DeepCompletionRelease

Deep Depth Completion of a Single RGB-D Image
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Evaluation #15

Closed Mikeraka closed 5 years ago

Mikeraka commented 5 years ago

Hello, I want to evaluate the performance of the depth completion of my own dataset. I know I should use the evalDepth.m file. the input is result_folder, dataset and suffix. I wonder what's the suffix? is it the test file in /torch/data_list as follow picture shows? 2019-01-10 10-15-05

I open the scannet_test_list_small.txt file, the content in it is as follows: scene0144_01/data_dir/000000128_suffix scene0678_02/data_dir/000001472_suffix scene0643_00/data_dir/000000128_suffix scene0580_00/data_dir/000003975_suffix scene0591_01/data_dir/000000480_suffix scene0606_01/data_dir/000001843_suffix scene0011_01/data_dir/000001952_suffix scene0609_00/data_dir/000000160_suffix what does this mean in it? and I want to know how to generate the file to evaluate the performance? Thank you very much!

yindaz commented 5 years ago

It is just a way to list data and leave a pattern that is easy to detect and replace.