ying-ck / fanqienovel-downloader

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
267 stars 23 forks source link

1.0.7 和 1.0.9 的区别问题 #18

Closed doggybread closed 4 weeks ago

doggybread commented 4 weeks ago

作者你好! 我在相同的电脑环境下,使用1.0.7下载一部小说完全正常 1 0 7

而当换成1.0.9时却直接报错 1 0 9

分析问题1:两个版本在不同的文件夹中,不会互相影响。 分析问题2:猜测可能是因为开了全局代理。关闭后1.0.9可以正常运行,但不明白为什么1.0.7可以正常运行而1.0.9却不行。盼处理,再次感谢!

qxqycb commented 4 weeks ago


qxqycb commented 4 weeks ago


doggybread commented 4 weeks ago

我下载的是这个版本: B0

doggybread commented 4 weeks ago



Microsoft Windows [版本 10.0.19045.4780] (c) Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。

C:\Fanqie-Novel-Download\1.0.9>fanqienovel-downloader-v1.0.9.exe 本程序完全免费。 Github: https://github.com/ying-ck/fanqienovel-downloader 作者:Yck & qxqycb

输入书的id直接下载 输入下面的数字进入其他功能:

  1. 更新小说
  2. 搜索
  3. 批量下载
  4. 设置
  5. 退出

1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "urllib3\connectionpool.py", line 777, in urlopen File "urllib3\connectionpool.py", line 1046, in _prepare_proxy File "urllib3\connection.py", line 619, in connect File "urllib3\connection.py", line 692, in _connect_tls_proxy File "urllib3\connection.py", line 793, in _ssl_wrap_socket_and_matchhostname File "urllib3\util\ssl.py", line 471, in ssl_wrapsocket File "urllib3\util\ssl.py", line 515, in _ssl_wrap_socket_impl File "ssl.py", line 423, in wrap_socket File "ssl.py", line 870, in _create File "ssl.py", line 1139, in do_handshake OSError: [Errno 0] Error

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

urllib3.exceptions.ProxyError: ('Unable to connect to proxy', OSError(0, 'Error'))

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "requests\adapters.py", line 497, in send File "urllib3\connectionpool.py", line 846, in urlopen File "urllib3\util\retry.py", line 515, in increment urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='fanqienovel.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /page/7383253525251230782 (Caused by ProxyError('Unable to connect to proxy', OSError(0, 'Error')))

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "fanqienovel-downloader-v1.0.9.py", line 269, in File "fanqienovel-downloader-v1.0.9.py", line 80, in down_book File "fanqienovel-downloader-v1.0.9.py", line 18, in down_zj File "requests\api.py", line 73, in get File "requests\api.py", line 59, in request File "requests\sessions.py", line 589, in request File "requests\sessions.py", line 703, in send File "requests\adapters.py", line 513, in send requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='fanqienovel.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /page/7383253525251230782 (Caused by ProxyError('Unable to connect to proxy', OSError(0, 'Error'))) [10148] Failed to execute script 'fanqienovel-downloader-v1.0.9' due to unhandled exception!


C:\Fanqie-Novel-Download\1.0.9>fanqienovel-downloader-v1.0.9.exe 本程序完全免费。 Github: https://github.com/ying-ck/fanqienovel-downloader 作者:Yck & qxqycb

输入书的id直接下载 输入下面的数字进入其他功能:

  1. 更新小说
  2. 搜索
  3. 批量下载
  4. 设置
  5. 退出


开始下载《1级1个金词条,说我召唤师弱?》,状态‘连载中’ 下载 第113章 千变万化!可惜你我的差距更大了! 下载 第114章 魔王-鳌!不愧是龟壳! 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 114/114 [00:01<00:00, 85.86it/s] 更新完成

输入书的id直接下载 输入下面的数字进入其他功能:

  1. 更新小说
  2. 搜索
  3. 批量下载
  4. 设置
  5. 退出
doggybread commented 4 weeks ago


ying-ck commented 4 weeks ago


doggybread commented 4 weeks ago
