yingshansambi / qbb2023-answers

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Week 5 Feedback #7

Open schidambaran opened 11 months ago

schidambaran commented 11 months ago

Great start to the assignment!

Bash script that performs read alignment and variant calling/filtering/annotation


Exercise Points Possible Grade
Read alignment 1 1
Variant calling 1 1
Filtering and annotation 1 1

VCF file containing the first 100 lines of your filtered/annotated VCF from Step 2.4


Python script that runs exploratory analysis of VCF from Step 2.4


Exercise Points Possible Grade
Code to parse VCF file 2 2
Code to produce multi-panel plot 2 2

Nicely formatted and labeled multi-panel plot showing summaries of exploratory analysis


Total: 10/10

Excellent work!

yingshansambi commented 10 months ago

Hi Sadhana,

Here is my resubmission of my week5 homework! Thank you for checking!

Best, Sam

schidambaran commented 10 months ago

Your grade has been updated!