yinguobing / head-pose-estimation

Realtime human head pose estimation with ONNXRuntime and OpenCV.
MIT License
1.24k stars 288 forks source link

When I tried multiple face recognition, an error occurred #34

Closed dongdongqiang2018 closed 4 years ago

dongdongqiang2018 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your excellent work,When I tried multiple face recognition, an error occurred,like this 微信图片_20200724094436 how to solve this problem

dongdongqiang2018 commented 4 years ago

My code is like this

import os
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1"
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import cv2
import numpy as np
import time
import socket
from collections import deque
from platform import system

from head_pose_estimation.pose_estimator import PoseEstimator
from head_pose_estimation.stabilizer import Stabilizer
from head_pose_estimation.visualization import *
from head_pose_estimation.misc import *

def get_face(detector, image, cpu=False):
    if cpu:
        image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        bboxs = []
            box = detector(image)
            for bbox in list(box):
                x1 = bbox.left()
                y1 = bbox.top()
                x2 = bbox.right()
                y2 = bbox.bottom()
                bboxs.append([x1, y1, x2, y2])
            return bboxs
            return None
        image = cv2.resize(image, None, fx=0.5, fy=0.5)
        box = detector.detect_from_image(image)[0]
        if box is None:
            return None
        return (2*box[:4]).astype(int)

def main():
    # Setup face detection models
    if args.cpu: # use dlib to do face detection and facial landmark detection
        import dlib
        dlib_model_path = 'head_pose_estimation/assets/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat'
        shape_predictor = dlib.shape_predictor(dlib_model_path)
        face_detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
    else: # use better models on GPU
        import face_alignment # the local directory in this repo
            import onnxruntime
            use_onnx = True
            use_onnx = False
        fa = face_alignment.FaceAlignment(face_alignment.LandmarksType._2D, use_onnx=use_onnx, 
        face_detector = fa.face_detector

    os_name = system()
    if os_name in ['Windows']: # CAP_DSHOW is required on my windows PC to get 30 FPS
        cap = cv2.VideoCapture(args.cam+cv2.CAP_DSHOW)
    else: # linux PC is as usual
        cap = cv2.VideoCapture(args.cam)
    cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS, 30)
    cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 640)
    _, sample_frame = cap.read()

    # Introduce pose estimator to solve pose. Get one frame to setup the
    # estimator according to the image size.
    pose_estimator = PoseEstimator(img_size=sample_frame.shape[:2])

    # Introduce scalar stabilizers for pose.
    pose_stabilizers = [Stabilizer(
                        cov_measure=0.1) for _ in range(8)]

    # Establish a TCP connection to unity.
    if args.connect:
        address = ('', 5066)
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

    ts = []
    frame_count = 0
    no_face_count = 0
    prev_boxes = deque(maxlen=5)
    prev_marks = deque(maxlen=5)

    while True:
        _, frame = cap.read()
        frame = cv2.flip(frame, 2)

        frame_count += 1
        if args.connect and frame_count > 60: # send information to unity
            msg = '%.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f'% \
                  (roll, pitch, yaw, min_ear, mar, mdst, steady_pose[6], steady_pose[7])
            s.send(bytes(msg, "utf-8"))

        t = time.time()

        # Pose estimation by 3 steps:
        # 1. detect face;
        # 2. detect landmarks;
        # 3. estimate pose

        if frame_count % 2 == 1: # do face detection every odd frame
            box = get_face(face_detector, frame, args.cpu)
            # print('people_num:',len(box))
            if box is not None:
                no_face_count = 0
        elif len(prev_boxes) > 1: # use a linear movement assumption
            if no_face_count > 1: # don't estimate more than 1 frame
                facebox = None
                facebox = prev_boxes[-1] + np.mean(np.diff(np.array(prev_boxes), axis=0), axis=0)[0]
                facebox = facebox.astype(int)
                no_face_count += 1
        for facebox in box:
            if facebox is not None: # if face is detected
                # Do facial landmark detection and iris detection.
                if args.cpu: # do detection every frame
                    face = dlib.rectangle(left=facebox[0], top=facebox[1], 
                                        right=facebox[2], bottom=facebox[3])

                    marks = shape_to_np(shape_predictor(frame, face))
                    if len(prev_marks) == 0 \
                        or frame_count == 1 \
                        or frame_count % 2 == 0: # do landmark detection on first frame
                                                # or every even frame
                        face_img = frame[facebox[1]: facebox[3], facebox[0]: facebox[2]]
                        marks = fa.get_landmarks(face_img[:,:,::-1], 
                                detected_faces=[(0, 0, facebox[2]-facebox[0], facebox[3]-facebox[1])])
                        marks = marks[-1]
                        marks[:, 0] += facebox[0]
                        marks[:, 1] += facebox[1]
                    elif len(prev_marks) > 1: # use a linear movement assumption
                        marks = prev_marks[-1] + np.mean(np.diff(np.array(prev_marks), axis=0), axis=0)

                x_l, y_l, ll, lu = detect_iris(frame, marks, "left")
                x_r, y_r, rl, ru = detect_iris(frame, marks, "right")

                # Try pose estimation with 68 points.
                error, R, T = pose_estimator.solve_pose_by_68_points(marks)
                pose = list(R) + list(T)
                # Add iris positions to stabilize.
                pose+= [(ll+rl)/2.0, (lu+ru)/2.0]
                if error > 100: # large error means tracking fails: reinitialize pose estimator
                                # at the same time, keep sending the same information (e.g. same roll)
                    pose_estimator = PoseEstimator(img_size=sample_frame.shape[:2])

                    # Stabilize the pose.
                    steady_pose = []
                    pose_np = np.array(pose).flatten()

                    for value, ps_stb in zip(pose_np, pose_stabilizers):

            if args.debug: # draw landmarks, etc.

                # show iris.
                if x_l > 0 and y_l > 0:
                    draw_iris(frame, x_l, y_l)
                if x_r > 0 and y_r > 0:
                    draw_iris(frame, x_r, y_r)

                # show facebox.
                draw_box(frame, facebox)

                if error < 100:
                    # show face landmarks.
                    draw_marks(frame, marks, color=(0, 255, 0))

                    # draw stable pose annotation on frame.
                        frame, np.expand_dims(steady_pose[:3],0), np.expand_dims(steady_pose[3:6],0),  
                        color=(128, 255, 128))

                    # # draw head axes on frame.

                    pose_estimator.draw_axis(frame, np.expand_dims(steady_pose[:3],0), 

        dt = time.time()-t
        ts += [dt]
        FPS = int(1/(np.mean(ts[-10:])+1e-6))
        print('\r', '%.3f'%dt, end=' ')

        if args.debug:
            draw_FPS(frame, FPS)

            cv2.imshow("face", frame)
            if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): # press q to exit.

    # Clean up the process.
    if args.connect:
    if args.debug:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = ArgumentParser()
                        help="specify the camera number if you have multiple cameras",
    parser.add_argument("--cpu", action="store_true", 
                        help="use cpu to do face detection and facial landmark detection",
    parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", 
                        help="show camera image to debug (need to uncomment to show results)",
    parser.add_argument("--connect", action="store_true", 
                        help="connect to unity character",
    args = parser.parse_args()
yinguobing commented 4 years ago



  1. 不对原始代码做任何修改,是否能够正常运行。
  2. 尝试做一些代码精简,只保留能够复现问题的部分。
  3. 可以先禁用 pose_stabilizers
dongdongqiang2018 commented 4 years ago

你好,谢谢你的回复 我这边人脸检测框没有问题,人脸68检测点也没有问题(可以看我1L发的图) 我现在的问题是stabile pose的框标记不准确。


pose_np = np.array(pose).flatten()
for value, ps_stb in zip(pose_np, pose_stabilizers)
steady_pose = np.reshape(steady_pose, (-1, 3))


yinguobing commented 4 years ago

如果有多张人脸的话,你需要为每张人脸单独创建 stabilizer。

dongdongqiang2018 commented 4 years ago

感谢,现在可以了 微信图片_20200727110505