yingxin-jia / SuperGlue-pytorch

[SuperGlue: Learning Feature Matching with Graph Neural Networks] This repo includes PyTorch code for training the SuperGlue matching network on top of SIFT keypoints and descriptors.
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bug in pose estimation ? #24

Open RupertPaoZ opened 2 years ago

RupertPaoZ commented 2 years ago


the correct mean of focal length should be calculated by K0[0, 0], K0[1, 1], K1[0, 0], K1[1, 1]

zhangsngood commented 10 months ago

Hello! I would like to know how the relative extrinsic parameters in ./assets/scannet_test_pairs_with_gt.txt are obtained. If I know the camera pose extrinsics of two images, how is the relative pose extrinsics T_0to1 between these two poses. Does anyone have any idea about it?