yioneko / vtsls

LSP wrapper for typescript extension of vscode
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Idea: pretty-ts-errors integration #163

Open mcchrish opened 1 month ago

mcchrish commented 1 month ago

https://github.com/yoavbls/pretty-ts-errors is a pretty popular VSCode plugin to make TS errors a lot more readable.

One of the most requested feature is integration with other editors like neovim.

Vtsls being a wrapper for the tsserver, I think it's in a good position to integration such feature.

There is a fork to output the diagnostics as markdown, which is already a supported format in latest neovim.

yioneko commented 1 month ago

It seems that the author has plan to implement it as TS plugin: https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/issues/7844#issuecomment-1972675408, which is also the correct way for cross-editor support from my personal view. I'm not sure about the quality of that fork, and I think it would be better to wait a bit to see if support from original author could be finally landed.