yiotro / Antiyoy

A source code of android game called 'antiyoy'.
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Balance issue: level 50 is unbeatable #14

Open kkjamie opened 7 years ago

kkjamie commented 7 years ago

I have tried multiple times and cannot do it, give it a try and tell me what you think. I saw somebody on YouTube do it but the reward for chopping trees was higher, it must have been an older version.

yiotro commented 7 years ago

Levels can be different on different devices, so I need a screenshot of this level. Please show it to me, I will recreate it on my device and check it out.

kkjamie commented 7 years ago

This one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nv_d2yoLyY

As I said before this looks like an old version, the economy is different. The amount of trees looks beneficial to him in this video given the reward.

yiotro commented 7 years ago

Well, video doesn't show full level at start, so I can't recreate it. Also, I've opened lvl50 on my smartphone and it looks different. I would make a 'walkthrough' video if you give me screenshot of that level.

I can give some analysis on that level:

  1. Upper cyan province is in very bad position. It will be definitely attacked from all directions and has no chances to become something big.
  2. Lower province is not that bad. I recommend to immediately attack somewhere down and capture good place in corner. Maybe after that you should just build some defense in new place and wait for enemies to kill your capital. Then build a lot of farms.
kkjamie commented 7 years ago

I'll try get a screenshot, soon.