yiotro / Antiyoy

A source code of android game called 'antiyoy'.
422 stars 54 forks source link

Missing some code? #7

Open rtpg opened 7 years ago

rtpg commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to compile this locally, and it seems like I'm missing the yio.tro.antiyoy.ButtonLighty package and the AiEasy class.

It would also be interesting if you could share your build scripts. Getting libgdx setup is a bit of a pain..

yiotro commented 7 years ago


ButtonLighty is an old name of ButtonYio. Looks like some classes weren't properly updated in this repo, I will look into this problem.

For some reason libgdx and gradle just don't want to work together on my notebook, so I use usual 'make' in Intellij IDEA. Gradle is off.

I even made little txt file that contains instructions on how to properly create libgdx project. Here are some things from it:

  1. in libgdx setup app go to 'advanced' and check 'IDEA'. Other checkboxes should be not checked.
  2. In IDEA open '.ipr' file
  3. Go to 'project structure' and setup proper java version and sdk.
  4. To launch on PC you have to firstly launch it with error, then go to 'run configuration' and change 'working directory' to proper one. (android/assets)
rtpg commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the quick update!

For the ButtonLighty classess, it seems like these aren't used anywhere in the code anymore, so just removing the classes seem to work.

Just one other small thing I noticed. The media resources (sounds, background images) are also not checked into the project. Is that intentional?

yiotro commented 7 years ago

Well, I just didn't knew at that time how to do that properly (git is not very user-friendly thing). I thought that it's quite easy to get that stuff from apk so I didn't care much about it.

But now I can do it and I uploaded all assets to this repository.

Also, looks like there is no ButtonLighty class in this repo, maybe you downloaded it earlier and didn't delete it later, idk.