yiotro / Antiyoy

A source code of android game called 'antiyoy'.
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Some suggestions #79

Open costin88boss opened 4 years ago

costin88boss commented 4 years ago

I know issue isn't the right tag, whatever.

The ideas lister is at bottom, it will say where you find ideas.

  1. would think about castle game mode, this is my first idea, where you spawn on a pre-made city, where the margins of castle are gates walls, we can upgrade walls to towers, and if we go with units outside and we click on them outside of castle we can decide to expand castle making claimed territories by units be part of castle and walls be expanded further. Human will not be able to break walls of enemy but can go inside if no other human or tower. Soldier can break wall and let human go inside. The tower breach logic remains same, red destroys, shield red destroys better tower. The gate is able to be broken by soldier, but ais will decide or not to put some soldiers near gate to not let enemy in depends on difficulty. The pre-built city will contain some houses, some people, (world generation system will calculate, if the territory of city/castle is like 10 territories then 2 people), and will not put any soldier except if it's good large castle territory for 10+. The towers house remains same, but be centered in middle, if not, in a safe territory which is as far from gates/outside. There also should be an enemy and player castle territory setting to set how large be, small 3t, normal 5t, large 10t or if a really large map 16t (depends on how big map is decided to be and be a bit smaller or bigger like 14 territories if the island isn't really good generated. T means territories, which means those rectangle cells.

Note: I recommend you developer yiotro to not build castle game mode now, it's too hard as I think, the ai needs to be rebuilt to not do weird positions and calculate the rules. Also trees will be able to get in castle if walls are broken by enemy or there are inside. If you yiotro decide to make it now, note that it's another game mode his own strategy and bugs will be in his game mode. 2. Another idea which should be easier is to change chat system, I don't know why it's made as ais dont know what you're saying. Maybe change it with a list of some chat stuff like "screw you" which maybe it forces ai to declare war, or "help me" that makes allied ai to decide to help you, not this idea, but maybe also add feature to pass inside allied ai territories as the allied ai will also pass in yours for help me command. It won't get money in ai difficulty is easy, but if difficulty is higher then it is a possibility for ai to ask you for per turn money for sending units in. 3. Another idea which is frustrating is to make units be able to pass in houses because if I give up because enemy is attacking me it can just get my units or get me in low parts while my units waste money and dies. Maybe the possibility to remove units or buildings would be good.even though selling price should be like 2$ or something. I know many people wanted the feature to sell units and buildings and I know there are several reasons why it's not being added. Maybe the x button should be up near money which appears after selecting an unit. If the reason is because it will be easier or boring then just make possibility to only downgrade unit until human, so we can not lose money for nothing,if I say downgrade I don't mean duplicating a soldier to 2 people, just one. 4. Another idea is second most wanted thing, be able to go units in water, by boats, but make an enable boats feature so we can disable when we want one continent with no boats. And a island mode so we can choose if we want islands, continent, or earth (world. South America. North america, Europe, Asia, africa, south pole, north pole), and maybe make earth have it's own colors by allied nations, like blue for european nation allies, red for Russia, purple for Japan if not also china, orange for Mongolia, green for usa, that other orange color idk name for Mexico. And so on. Maybe make diplomacy mode make world always neutral until player decides to do an world war 3.. 5. And maybe add option which we can turn off which is to change taxes. Maybe strategy will no longer be strategy but we can start a game without option selected on. And if we set big taxes then we lose money fast but units will be able to do 2 moves each turn but it will cost 20 money a move, the tax will be opened by pressing city then on our castle, if not, on a house. The tax ui will look like a slide bar from left to right which default is set in middle as normal taxing. Then 2 dots in left which we choose: slide to the left dot to make units pay taxes 5-16 (depends on how much units and good they are) per turn but will slow units by making them can move shorter and start dying slowly, it depends on units, if it's a red shield soldier it dies after 4 turns, if its 5 people and 2 soldiers it will die a soldier after 3 turns, and the other soldier will also start dying after the first one dies, 6 turns exactly. Then slowly humans die after many turns. Last human may die after 16 turns. If you slide to the second dot near middle it will set taxes for units lower by 2-8 as 5-16 ÷ 2 = 2-8 money taxes, again depends on how much units you have and good they are. There should also be 3 dots in right the super right dot will mean max tax for player and will make units move 2 times each turn but a move will cost a lot money, depends on units and good they are, the right dot will set them move far away but also 2 more territories. The a bit right dot will make them move normally as intended, but when they captures a no owner territory they can capture one more no owner territory. And finally the dot from middle will set taxes to normally.

And as I said to some of these ideas, they may change mode of game and strategy, but I said they will be disabled or enabled via their own option settings in creating a game. 6. A bonus idea which it's easy to make is be able to set every AI's difficulty, not only one setting that may set to everyone. Also, add a player-like difficulty which will make ais be as strategic is the player, if player is more no owner capturing territories, ais will also be like that, if player is more defendable and a bit capturing no owner territories, ais be like that, it's like balanced, but ais are balanced as player's strategy.

Please add the last idea first as it's easy and wanted a bit, maybe also add add the idea from 3th big text idea which is frustrating one, go into houses, sell, you will see there. 7. The 4th one which is boats one is also good to add, note that 4th one also has idea for a prebuilt generator with earth planet and islands but skip earth planet. Earth planet islands add it soon, just add boats and islands ability. Almost forgot, for ocean, add possibility to capture 3 water territories that are near island. And only having territories near water we can build a boat station which will not get money but costs 50, but it will build one boat max but only if we build another station in the current one we can make it support and add up more boats. The texture will look like an wooden road on water and on every upgrade it will have a number on it showing max boats or available boats if other ones are going. A boat should get 16 water territories away, but as you put a soldier in a boat it will be 15, the red one will be 14, the red shield one will be 13.

List: 1. Castle mode first big text 2.Choosing chat system change 3.Units pass in houses/sell/downgrade them 4.boats, islands, world planet 5.Taxes system and change them 6.set every single ai difficulty & player-like ais

  1. Some things I forgot to say in 4. Boats system.

Use the list above to know where to go read the ideas. Btw I got cancer of how much I write, I think I better never write suggestions for people because when I want to write some ideas for people I break the servers that my message can't fit lol. YouTube record ideas: cancer. Yotro's game: cancer. Another pc game: cancer This was a joke about cancer, but for sure I think I do cancer long messages like it's just licenses which are long..

yiotro commented 4 years ago


would think about castle game mode, this is my first idea, where you spawn on a pre-made city, where the margins of castle are gates walls, we can upgrade walls to towers

Well, that would be really hard to do.

Another idea which should be easier is to change chat system, I don't know why it's made as ais dont know what you're saying. Maybe change it with a list of some chat stuff like "screw you" which maybe it forces ai to declare war, or "help me" that makes allied ai to decide to help you

Chat bot is also not easy to do, especially considering that game is translated to 10+ languages.

Another idea which is frustrating is to make units be able to pass in houses

One of important aspects of gameplay is that player has to plan his actions ahead. Adding ability to remove your stuff would just make game more easy. It may be cool at first, but without any challenge you'll be bored very quickly.

Another idea is second most wanted thing, be able to go units in water, by boats

That is also very hard to implement.

And maybe add option which we can turn off which is to change taxes.

Without taxes knights will become OP, I think.

A bonus idea which it's easy to make is be able to set every AI's difficulty, not only one setting that may set to everyone.

Technically it's not hard (I'll only have to make UI for that), but why would you want to do that? :)

Also, add a player-like difficulty which will make ais be as strategic is the player

Sadly, it's very hard to do.

costin88boss commented 4 years ago

@yiotro by taxes I mean an option which will let us change taxes to whatever, lowing means weaker moving and chance to die after some turns but more money, or less money but big distance 2 turns etc. I said there. I did not mean OP, and just economy, improving and dying rate changing.

by the chat, maybe you can update game for glibal and not for translated languages. I would say it's easy, but hard in languages.

and maybe fix an issue I found. if you rename castle it will be 2 names of calling.

like, rename to gold, then to buy, it can anytime be buy buy, or goldbuygold. same as user levels filter.

maybe also add tagging, or similar names function for filter so if I search world war ii it will search any title near it, like max to 4 changed letters. how google works.

by the others implemented, it can be possible.

the selling/making game easier idea maybe should be made In a way like only human and soldier can go, but not red ones in houses. units should maybe cost money to downgrade, idk just to make it as hard, money wasting possible.

the ability to change every ai difficulty may help for fighting with basic ones until expert ones.

also for world editor make a way to fill and generate advanced random ones like without colors put.

also add a fps setting (not now, when players lags) so prepare a good fps improver for when you build a hard update. in case players lag.

also, I am a 11 year old kid if not sure about this. maybe also add another rule similar to skirmish one, because I really want something new.

costin88boss commented 4 years ago

and, a super easy idea would be adding a tutorial for editor just for new people and also replay tutorials one (be able to see how to use that new allies feature back any time.)

also forgot to say I got another bug, when I go to settings I activate the disabled ones (forgot their names) the settings will be reset after going back to settings. I flag this bug as 👌 one. and another bug is in editor, if I go to diplomacy rename kingdoms it will just be back to random names but not all. I flag this one as 🥺 one because I can't make whole world only with random names.

the city rename bug is flagged as 🤐 as it's cool to have your own name, but not always needed. the filter bug is ⏰ time wasting and 🤬 frustrating.

SergoDobro commented 3 years ago

@yiotro I have a specific idea, in additional settings for the match, make it possible for people to decide what gives taxes and how much, or an every turn randomizer/modifiers, for example timemodifier: first turn I get 1 coin for each tile and 4 per farm, but on turn 50 I get 0.5 coins from tiles, but 6 per farm, or even farm cost modifier will be not 2 but 3.

Also thanks for the game files and instructions, I started studying java from antiyoy.

yiotro commented 3 years ago

@yiotro I have a specific idea, in additional settings for the match, make it possible for people to decide what gives taxes and how much, or an every turn randomizer/modifiers, for example timemodifier: first turn I get 1 coin for each tile and 4 per farm, but on turn 50 I get 0.5 coins from tiles, but 6 per farm, or even farm cost modifier will be not 2 but 3.

Thanks for idea.

Also thanks for the game files and instructions, I started studying java from antiyoy.

You're welcome :)

costin88boss commented 3 years ago

wait, antiyoy is open-source?