yiranran / Audio-driven-TalkingFace-HeadPose

Code for "Audio-driven Talking Face Video Generation with Learning-based Personalized Head Pose" (Arxiv 2020) and "Predicting Personalized Head Movement From Short Video and Speech Signal" (TMM 2022)
719 stars 147 forks source link

TensorFlow.python.framework.errors_impl.NotFoundError: /home/gpulab2/muhiddin/Audio-driven-TalkingFace-HeadPose/Deep3DFaceReconstruction/tf_mesh_renderer/mesh_renderer/kernels/rasterize_triangles_kernel.so: invalid ELF header #90

Open muxiddin19 opened 2 years ago

muxiddin19 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the great work! image However I afced above issue when I run !cd /content/Audio-driven-TalkingFace-HeadPose/Deep3DFaceReconstruction/; CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python demo_19news.py ../Data/31 in Run 3D face reconstruction. Can you give some solution, please?

liyuli1997 commented 1 month ago
