yireo / Yireo_GoogleTagManager2

Open Software License 3.0
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Compatibility with Hyva Checkout #188

Closed anvanza closed 2 weeks ago

anvanza commented 10 months ago

Hyva Checkout is being used for a couple of stores now and expecting a lot more in the future. Any plans to make the module compatible with this checkout?

jissereitsma commented 10 months ago

As of yet, I'm very busy myself, even though I would love to work on such a thing. I think somebody would first need to experiment with how to submit signals from the Magewire components in question towards the frontend (I believe this is already documented by Magewire itself) and then pick up on all of those events using custom JavaScript code. That dependency with the Hyva Checkout will be so large, that there must be a separate Yireo GoogleTagManager2ForHyvaCheckout module specifically for it.

hans-vereyken-arvesta commented 10 months ago

@anvanza Did you take any steps to make the module compatible with Hyva Checkout? We are looking at the same problem

hans-vereyken commented 10 months ago

@jissereitsma I quickly looked at 3 events we were missing (begin_checkout, add_shipping_info, add_payment_info), locally, this is working great. Can't make a PR just yet some more work needs to be done:


adam-0 commented 9 months ago

@hans-vereyken I'm testing your commit locally. It seems to work, I have all three events showing up in GA4 One correction, in view/frontend/layout/hyva_checkout_index_index.xml line 8 <block template="Yireo\GoogleTagManager2::hyva_checkout/data-layer.phtml" should be <block template="Yireo_GoogleTagManager2::hyva_checkout/data-layer.phtml"

adam-0 commented 9 months ago

@hans-vereyken I found another issue at the checkout: Livewire: Multiple root elements detected. This is not supported. See docs for more information https://laravel-livewire.com/docs/2.x/troubleshooting#root-element-issues

You can fix it by wrapping both elements in DIV in data-layer.phtml

        function triggerEvent(event) {

        function initGa() {
            "use strict";

            triggerEvent(new CustomEvent('ga:trigger-event', {detail:<?= json_encode($beginCheckoutEvent->get()) ?>}));

            return {
    <div id="ga-trigger"
hans-vereyken commented 9 months ago

@adam-0 Correct, but an even better solution is to ommit the DIV and just use window.eventListener instead.

nahall commented 7 months ago

I'm looking at doing the same (GA4 + Hyva Checkout). Has this patch continued to work well for you?

hans-vereyken commented 7 months ago

Yes, it's working for us. I should really make some time to create a PR and contribute (I need some time to investigate if the we really need to create a separate module for the Hyva checkout compatibility, is it possible in a nice way to not have a different module), but in webshop-land this is not the quietest period :-)

jissereitsma commented 7 months ago

As an update on all this, I've copied the code from @hans-vereyken into the extension code and will release this now under 3.7.0. If bugs come to rise, let's take it from there: https://github.com/yireo/Yireo_GoogleTagManager2/commit/267eaf6143c25fbccf5deedd56fa994f3f6a82da

jissereitsma commented 7 months ago

Thanks @hans-vereyken for all the work!

hans-vereyken commented 7 months ago

Thanks Jisse, this is great!

nahall commented 7 months ago

I've been testing this with Hyva Checkout but am encountering the same console message "Livewire: Multiple root elements detected. This is not supported. See docs for more information https://laravel-livewire.com/docs/2.x/troubleshooting#root-element-issues"

jissereitsma commented 7 months ago

It's not supported, though it doesn't really do much harm because the second element is just a script. Still, the message is ugly. I've released 3.7.3 to wrap all in a div and fix this.

jissereitsma commented 7 months ago

I'm closing this issue because at least basic compatibility is there. If new issues arise, please post a new Issue here on GitHub.

jissereitsma commented 3 weeks ago

I am reopening this issue, due to a refactoring with CSP in mind. The current approach for the Hyva Checkout compatibility was to add a Block with a Magewire component, which then initializes an Alpine component, which triggers a GTM event as soon as the Alpine component is put together. This works but is quite complex.

The Magewire component is needed to trigger events based on what goes within the Hyva Checkout. However, Alpine is just overhead, IMHO. Listening to a global event instead (triggered by Magewire its dispatchBrowserEvent) would be cleaner, I think.

@hans-vereyken @adam-0 @hans-vereyken-arvesta @nahall Do you have any input on this?

Another minor thing is that the class Yireo\GoogleTagManager2\DataLayer\Event\BeginCheckout is inserted into the Magewire component, while it is actually not being used.

I've begun to refactor this anyway.

jissereitsma commented 3 weeks ago

This is currently the simplified version https://github.com/yireo/Yireo_GoogleTagManager2/commit/77ace23dfe96dbd272a663c7f877d98a8c98c297 and it works ok.