yireo / Yireo_Webp2

Magento 2 module to add WebP support to Magento 2
Open Software License 3.0
194 stars 54 forks source link

Hyva\GraphqlViewModel\Model\GraphqlQueryEditor" does not exist #151

Closed Kiwifu closed 10 months ago

Kiwifu commented 10 months ago

Hi jissereitsma

I am facing an issue :

bin/magento setup:di:compile Compilation was started. Area configuration aggregation... 5/9 [=======>-----] 55% 32 secs 374.0 MiB In ClassReader.php line 57:

Impossible to process constructor argument Parameter #0 [ Hyva\G
raphqlViewModel\Model\GraphqlQueryEditor $queryEditor ] of Yireo\Webp2\Obse
rver\AddUrlWebpToGraphqlQuery class

In GetParameterClassTrait.php line 34:

Class "Hyva\GraphqlViewModel\Model\GraphqlQueryEditor" does not exist

emetik commented 10 months ago

Hi @jissereitsma Same Issue for me (I'm not using Hyva theme)

@Kiwifu : Working fine with version 0.12.5

vncnt-mb commented 10 months ago

Same issue after updating to 0.13 (rollback to 0.12.5 in composer.json solve the issue) Magento 2.4.6-p1 / PHP 8.2 / Custom theme

Kiwifu commented 10 months ago

@emetik @vncnt-mb Thank you so much for you replies,

How to do this?

vncnt-mb commented 10 months ago

You can edit your composer.json and change the version of this package

Capture d’écran 2023-09-06 à 14 45 05

In the screenshot, we indicate to composer that we only want to use version 0.12.5

After this modification, you just need to do a composer update and you're done! :)

jissereitsma commented 10 months ago

Sorry for this screw up. Further refactoring was actually needed for this, but somebody requested I released all of the code already, while I should have checked for this first. Release 0.13.1 is going to move this Hyva dependency to a separate package https://github.com/yireo/Yireo_Webp2ForHyva instead and therefore fix this.

jissereitsma commented 10 months ago

Release 0.13.1 is now available https://github.com/yireo/Yireo_Webp2/releases/tag/0.13.1