Closed teodorpav closed 3 years ago
Please run bin/magento
without any parameters - it should give you a real error message.
Most probably this error has nothing to do with this package and can in many cases be fixed by clearing generated/code
and var/cache
Hi, it shows:
[myshop@server:public_html]$ bin/magento list Magento CLI 2.4.3
Usage: command [options] [arguments]
Options: -h, --help Display this help message -q, --quiet Do not output any message -V, --version Display this application version --ansi Force ANSI output --no-ansi Disable ANSI output -n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question -v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
Available commands: help Display help for a command list List commands
In ServiceManager.php line 652:
Service with name "Magento\Setup\Console\Command\DbStatusCommand" could not be created. Reason: Class Vertex\Tax\Setup\Schema\Triggers\MigrateVertexInv
oiceSent does not exist
In ClassReader.php line 28: Class Vertex\Tax\Setup\Schema\Triggers\MigrateVertexInvoiceSent does not exist
Could you confirm that all packages from vendor/vertex
are gone? If not, which package is still there?
Hi, i've removed all vendor/vertex but now there is an error during the compilation:
[myshop@server:public_html]$ bin/magento setup:di:compile Compilation was started. Repositories code generation... 1/9 [===>------------------------] 11% < 1 sec 88.0 MiBInterface 'Magento\InventoryCatalogSearch\Model\Indexer\SelectModifierInterface' not found#0 /home/myshop/public_html/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php(480): include()
But which packages did you remove? See my earlier reply: "If not, which package is still there?"
The error sounds like a normal Magento issue. If you make huge changes to the vendor/
folder, wipe out the cache, wipe out the generated folder and try again.
Could you confirm how you added the replace-all
package and which version you are using of that package?
When I had problems with bin/magento commands after yireo/magento2-replace-all , I installed "yireo/magento2-replace-bundled": "^4.3", "yireo/magento2-replace-content-staging": "^4.2", "yireo/magento2-replace-inventory": "^4.2", "yireo/magento2-replace-sample-data": "^4.2" and everything was OK. But I want to use magento2-replace-all to remove all unnecessary things.
Before install with the command : composer require yireo/magento2-replace-all and it is installed 4.2.3 version. Clear all cache and rm -rf var/di/ generated/ var/cache/ var/page_cache/ var/view_preprocessed/ pub/static/ and the error in compile is still there: [myshop@server:public_html]$ bin/magento setup:di:compile Compilation was started. Repositories code generation... 1/9 [===>------------------------] 11% < 1 sec 88.0 MiBInterface 'Magento\InventoryCatalogSearch\Model\Indexer\SelectModifierInterface' not found#0 /home/myshop/public_html/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php(480):
Thank you
There seemed to be still issues, but I've not encountered the issue you reported (yet). Could you try out 4.2.5 instead?
Hi, it is passed the first part but now stoped on the 5. Maybe some conflict with Mirasvit GraphQl
[myshop@server:public_html]$ bin/magento setup:di:compile
Compilation was started.
Area configuration aggregation... 5/9 [===============>------------] 55% 23 secs 262.0 MiB
In ClassReader.php line 51:
Impossible to process constructor argument Parameter #0 [
In ClassReader.php line 71:
Class Magento\CatalogGraphQl\Model\AttributesJoiner does not exist
The error is there even bin/magento mo:di Mirasvit_SearchGraphQl module is disabled.
Any ideas?
Thank you
Yes, but this is the kind of troubleshooting you need to do yourself, when trying to replace core packages. Simple suggestion: Replace those other third party extensions as well. Or reconsider the removal of all packages :)
I'm closing the ticket for now, because there no longer seems to be an issue with the replacements of this package.
Hi, on M 2.4.3 and after apply replace-all , the bin/magento commands not working:
myshop@server:public_html]$ bin/magento cache:flush There are no commands defined in the "cache" namespace.
[myshop@server:public_html]$ bin/magento setup:upgrade There are no commands defined in the "setup" namespace.
How to fix this?
Thank you