yisbug / whatsapp-nodejs

This is a library based on whatsapp androd latest version, you can use it build your own app.
36 stars 12 forks source link

Help to make Presence functions works #12

Open aarctb opened 1 year ago

aarctb commented 1 year ago

@yisbug can you help me to make this functions works please?

// change whatsapp presenct to available or available
// send chat composing | paused

  async sendPresenceUpdate(type , toJid = null)
   let node;
    if(type === 'available' || type === 'unavailable') {
      node = new ProtocolTreeNode('presence',{
        name: 'Jolly Martin',
        type: type,
    } else {
      node = new ProtocolTreeNode('chatstate',
           from: this.mobile+"@s.whatsapp.net",
           to: toJid+"@s.whatsapp.net",
           type: type,  // composing | paused
         }, [ new ProtocolTreeNode(type, {})]

// change profile status
  async updateProfileStatus(status)

    const node = new ProtocolTreeNode('iq',
                to: "@s.whatsapp.net",
                type: 'set',
                xmlns: 'status',
        id: 'long'
      [new ProtocolTreeNode('status', {}, null, [Buffer.from(status, 'utf-8')])]

yisbug commented 1 year ago

@yisbug can you help me to make this functions works please?

// change whatsapp presenct to available or available
// send chat composing | paused

  async sendPresenceUpdate(type , toJid = null)
   let node;
    if(type === 'available' || type === 'unavailable') {
      node = new ProtocolTreeNode('presence',{
        name: 'Jolly Martin',
        type: type,
    } else {
      node = new ProtocolTreeNode('chatstate',
           from: this.mobile+"@s.whatsapp.net",
           to: toJid+"@s.whatsapp.net",
           type: type,  // composing | paused
         }, [ new ProtocolTreeNode(type, {})]

// change profile status
  async updateProfileStatus(status)

    const node = new ProtocolTreeNode('iq',
              to: "@s.whatsapp.net",
              type: 'set',
              xmlns: 'status',
        id: 'long'
      [new ProtocolTreeNode('status', {}, null, [Buffer.from(status, 'utf-8')])]


Sorry, your code is a bit messy. Next, what's wrong with this code? Please describe it in detail.

aarctb commented 1 year ago

@yisbug I want to change the profile status and send chat composing and chat pauded before to send a message to a contact..

I added the bellow functions in whatsapp.js file to try it and both not working, I would like to know if you can help me to do it works because you have more knowlogde in your own lib.

This coding is based on Bailes

async sendPresenceUpdate(type , toJid = null) {
   let node;
   if(type === 'available' || type === 'unavailable') {
      node = new ProtocolTreeNode('presence',{
        name: 'Jolly Martin',
        type: type,
    } else {
      node = new ProtocolTreeNode('chatstate',
           from: this.mobile+"@s.whatsapp.net",
           to: toJid+"@s.whatsapp.net",
           type: type,  // composing | paused
         }, [ new ProtocolTreeNode(type, {})]

// change profile status
  async updateProfileStatus(status) {
    const node = new ProtocolTreeNode('iq',
       to: "@s.whatsapp.net",
       type: 'set',
       xmlns: 'status',
          id: 'long'
         [new ProtocolTreeNode('status', {}, null, [Buffer.from(status, 'utf-8')])]
yisbug commented 1 year ago

@yisbug I want to change the profile status and send chat composing and chat pauded before to send a message to a contact..

I added the bellow functions in whatsapp.js file to try it and both not working, I would like to know if you can help me to do it works because you have more knowlogde in your own lib.

This coding is based on Bailes

async sendPresenceUpdate(type , toJid = null) {
   let node;
   if(type === 'available' || type === 'unavailable') {
      node = new ProtocolTreeNode('presence',{
        name: 'Jolly Martin',
        type: type,
    } else {
      node = new ProtocolTreeNode('chatstate',
           from: this.mobile+"@s.whatsapp.net",
           to: toJid+"@s.whatsapp.net",
           type: type,  // composing | paused
         }, [ new ProtocolTreeNode(type, {})]

// change profile status
  async updateProfileStatus(status) {
    const node = new ProtocolTreeNode('iq',
     to: "@s.whatsapp.net",
     type: 'set',
     xmlns: 'status',
          id: 'long'
         [new ProtocolTreeNode('status', {}, null, [Buffer.from(status, 'utf-8')])]

set chatstate:


const ProtocolEntity = require('../ProtocolEntity');
const ProtocolTreeNode = require('../ProtocolTreeNode');

class ChatStateProtocolEntity extends ProtocolEntity {
  constructor(state = 'composing', to) {
    this.state = state;
    this.to = to;

  toProtocolTreeNode() {
    const attribs = {
      to: this.to,
    const node = this._createProtocolTreeNode(attribs, null, null);
    node.addChild(new ProtocolTreeNode(this.state));
    return node;

module.exports = ChatStateProtocolEntity;


  async setChatState(state, jid) {
    return await this.sendEntity(new ChatStateProtocolEntity(state, utils.normalize(jid)));


const IqProtocolEntity = require('../Iq/IqProtocolEntity');
const ProtocolTreeNode = require('../ProtocolTreeNode');
const constants = require('../../config/constants');

class SetStatusIqProtocolEntity extends IqProtocolEntity {

  constructor(text = null, _id = null) {
    super('status', _id, 'set', constants.WHATSAPP_SERVER);

  setData(text) {
    this.text = text;

  toProtocolTreeNode() {
    const node = super.toProtocolTreeNode();
    const statusNode = new ProtocolTreeNode('status', {}, [], this.text);
    return node;
module.exports = SetStatusIqProtocolEntity;

These codes are from another commercial paid version of my project. If you are interested, you can contact me by email.