yixia / VitamioBundle

Vitamio for Android
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Vitamio giving crash with Android targetsdkversion 23 #394

Open brdn opened 8 years ago

brdn commented 8 years ago

Vitamio giving crash with targetsdkversion 23
Error "libffmpeg.so has text relocations"

i cannot downgrade my app.. any updates or any advices?

MythodeaLoL commented 8 years ago

Only work on API 22<

brdn commented 8 years ago

@FloridaStream yes i know, but i can't downgrade.. :( and many other users

MythodeaLoL commented 8 years ago

:information_source: Keep Calm and wait forever...

and more....

We can not do anything =( obs.: I do not use more vitamio.

laqr commented 8 years ago

@FloridaStream which library do you use? can it take a rtmp stream and show it to the user? Sorry for my english.

MythodeaLoL commented 7 years ago

I use ijkplayer libs with a custom codes.

MythodeaLoL commented 7 years ago

R.I.P Vitamio. :(