yjsx / PFilter

Building Persistent Maps through Feature Filtering for Fast and Accurate LiDAR-based SLAM
GNU General Public License v3.0
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converting pcl::PointXYZI #6

Open Felynman opened 4 months ago

Felynman commented 4 months ago

Thank you very much for your work. After converting pcl::PointXYZI format to pcl::PointRGB using pcl::copyPointcloud, the r, g, and b values seem not to be output. How to solve this problem?

yjsx commented 4 months ago

Hello, thanks for your interest in our work.

It is normal for rgb to have no value after conversion using pcl::copyPointcloud. We use "r" and "g" to store "round" and "observe" values. These two values are assigned or updated in odomEstimationClass.cpp/line 429 and line 278,line 351 respectively.

Felynman commented 4 months ago

Hello, thanks for your interest in our work.

It is normal for rgb to have no value after conversion using pcl::copyPointcloud. We use "r" and "g" to store "round" and "observe" values. These two values are assigned or updated in odomEstimationClass.cpp/line 429 and line 278,line 351 respectively.

Thank you for your patient answer!

If map_in->points[pointSearchInd[0]].g has no value, Why do round and observe can be calculated out?