Open ghost opened 5 years ago
Ok I fixed my problem with using "MaxPoolingWithArgmax2D" and "MaxUnpooling2D(Layer)" from this project:
Ok I fixed my problem with using "MaxPoolingWithArgmax2D" and "MaxUnpooling2D(Layer)" from this project:
Thanks Matt, I ran into the same problem and then fixed it from that.
Thanks Matt, helps a lot
Hey guys,
I am working on a project and try to use the SegNet architecture - and as I want to work on local host and on a distributed multi-server environment (got access to some GPUs) I want to work with Estimators.
But for this I have to switch from native keras
from keras.models import Model from keras.layers import Input from keras.layers.core import Activation, Reshape from keras.layers.convolutional import Convolution2D from keras.layers.normalization import BatchNormalization
to tensorflow-gpu 1.13.1 (pip3 install tensorflow-gpu) with tf.keras:
Then I reduced the model and changed the output (as I have my labels in another format) to get my pipeline running at first:
def model(input_shape, n_labels, kernel=3, pool_size=(2, 2), output_mode="softmax"):
This is working so far! Also with tf.keras instead of native keras!!
Now i want to check if upsampling with indices is working and therefore uncomment pool_1, mask_1 = MaxPoolingWithArgmax2D(pool_size)(conv_2) unpool_5 = MaxUnpooling2D(pool_size)([pool_1, mask_1])
and change input of conv_25 to unpool_5 conv_25 = Convolution2D(64, (kernel, kernel), padding="same")(unpool_5)
so this should downsample and upsample my tensors once.
But now it get following error in line of conv_25: "ValueError: The channel dimension of the inputs should be defined. Found
."Can anybody please help me with this behavior!
Best regards,