ykasidit / bluetooth_gnss

Bluetooth GNSS app on Google Play Store
GNU General Public License v2.0
63 stars 19 forks source link

Auto start on boot #3

Closed auricgoldfinger closed 3 years ago

auricgoldfinger commented 3 years ago

I experienced some problems after a reboot of my phone. Tasker sent the auto-start intent but Bluetooth GNSS didn't connect with the Bluetooth device. I had to open the app first. After that, Tasker was able to send the intent.

Today, I finally dug into it and made the service launch at boot. This means that when the device starts, Bluetooth GNSS is launched in the background, listening for a Bluetooth GPS receiver.

Improvement in the future would be to add a setting: "launch when android starts?" but I'm not experienced with Flutter so I wasn't able to create it yet.

A couple remarks:

ykasidit commented 3 years ago

Thanks very much for all your efforts, Auric!

auricgoldfinger commented 3 years ago

You're very welcome!