ykasten / layered-neural-atlases

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ValueError: number sections must be larger than 0 #7

Open 616099859 opened 2 years ago

616099859 commented 2 years ago

(neural_atlases) D:\layered-neural-atlases-main>python only_edit.py --trained_mo del_folder=pretrained_models/checkpoints/libby --video_name=libby --data_folder= data/libby --output_folder=editing_outputs --use_edit_frame --edit_frame_index= 7 --edit_frame_path=pretrained_models/edit_inputs/libby/editframe.png

Model has 264706 params Model has 133122 params Model has 416379 params Model has 402945 params Traceback (most recent call last): File "only_edit.py", line 472, in main(training_folder, frame_edit, frames_folder, mask_rcnn_folder, frame_edi t_file, edit_tex1_file, edit_tex2_file, File "only_edit.py", line 378, in main edit_im1, edit_im2 = texture_edit_from_frame_edit(edit_frame, frame_number, model_F_mapping1, model_F_mapping2, File "only_edit.py", line 204, in texture_edit_from_frame_edit maxx2, minx2, maxy2, miny2, edge_size2 = get_mapping_area(model_F_mapping2, model_alpha, mask_frames > -1, larger_dim, File "D:\layered-neural-atlases-main\evaluate.py", line 149, in get_mapping_ar ea relisa = np.array_split(relis_i.numpy(), np.ceil(relis_i.shape[0] / 100000))

File "<__array_function__ internals>", line 5, in array_split File "D:\Anaconda3\envs\neural_atlases\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\shape_base. py", line 778, in array_split raise ValueError('number sections must be larger than 0.') from None ValueError: number sections must be larger than 0.

ykasten commented 2 years ago

It probably means that the path to the input files is wrong, and therefore the list of video pixels is empty.