ykkunkels / ESIR_portal

Shiny app for the ESM Item Repository
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Test data loading times #23

Closed ykkunkels closed 1 month ago

ykkunkels commented 5 months ago

Test data loading times

The size of - or amount of items in - the main data file [1] might cause issues with loading times in the future. We should assess how long loading times can become by running a simulation.

This simulation should include multiple test-versions of the main data file, with the number of items increased each time. Amount of (simulated) items in the test-versions could include: 1000 till 100000 items in increments of a 1000 items.

It would be nice to have a graph of the results.

[1] https://osf.io/5ba2c

ykkunkels commented 1 month ago

Data loading times were found not to be a hindering factor in upcoming repository growth