yklym / telegramGameBot

Telegram chat-bot for a "Secret Hitler" game
1 stars 2 forks source link

Create commands text for #2

Open yklym opened 4 years ago

yklym commented 4 years ago

/help /contacts /start /create_game

Create commands' text and leave it here

irishdra commented 4 years ago


@bot.message_handler(func=is_group, commands=['help'])
def help(message):
                 f'Hello, {message.from_user.first_name}!\n'
                 f'I am lead in the game Secret Hitler :)')
irishdra commented 4 years ago


@bot.message_handler(func=is_group, commands=['contacts'])
def help(message):
                 f'You can write to the mail if necessary - example@mail.com\n'
                 f'Or you can write to - @username (Telegram)')