ykuijs / M365DSC.CompositeResources

Microsoft365DSC Composite Resources module
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Update M365DSC Composite Resources used in whitepaper "Managing Microsoft 365 in true DevOps style with Microsoft365DSC and Azure DevOps" #2

Closed jesthepp closed 3 weeks ago

jesthepp commented 1 month ago

Dear Yorick,

First of all, thanks a lot for all your work.

I've deployed the solution described in the whitepaper (great doc, many thanks) based on the scripts provided for version v1.22.1019.1 (https://office365dsc.azurewebsites.net/Pages/Resources/Whitepapers/M365Automation.zip).

I'd now like to be able to update the M365DSC module, and to do so I also need to update the composite resources. So I've downloaded your package (https://psg-prod-eastus.azureedge.net/packages/m365dsc.compositeresources.1.24.515.200.nupkg) for version 1.24.515.200.

What is the best practice for updating existing scripts in my DevOps environment? Should I simply replace the files included in DscResources? What happens to the M365Configuration.ps1 script? Should I extract the current configuration from my tenant and use the result as a base?

I'd like to have a clear procedure for doing this in the best possible way once it's used in production (I'm currently in the testing phase).

Many thanks for your help. Best regards Thierry

ykuijs commented 1 month ago

Hi @jesthepp,

Good to hear the whitepaper is helping out! Mission accomplished 😉

The M365DSC.CompositeResources module has been created as part of an update of the whitepaper I am working on. This new version of the whitepaper will be another leap forward and will provide a whole code framework which you can use to manage your M365 tenants using Microsoft365DSC. It contains a lot improvements compare to the scripts provided in the current version of the whitepaper.

I am currently in the process of updating the documentation and hope to publish this soon. If you share your contact details (for example via private message on X, my handle is @yorickkuijs) I will share a draft version once that is ready.



jesthepp commented 1 month ago

Dear @ykuijs,

Thank you very much for your feedback.

I would be very grateful if you could share with me a first draft, even if it is not complete, so that I can start to understand the logic of this new framework, knowing that I need to be able to implement a first test version as soon as possible.

I'll send you my e-mail right away via a private message in X. Thank you very much for your invaluable help!

Kind regards Thierry