I'm trying to train the libritts model on a new dataset,
I did create new folder for the audio files and a train_data.txt file with the txt and the audio just like the desired format mentioned,
But I what about the the val_data and train_data in the config.yaml file ?
train_data: "Data/train_list_libritts.txt" val_data: "Data/val_list_libritts.txt"
Should I update my new .txt file with the val_data or train_data ?
Thank you
Hello, I'm trying to train the libritts model on a new dataset, I did create new folder for the audio files and a train_data.txt file with the txt and the audio just like the desired format mentioned, But I what about the the val_data and train_data in the config.yaml file ?
train_data: "Data/train_list_libritts.txt" val_data: "Data/val_list_libritts.txt"
Should I update my new .txt file with the val_data or train_data ? Thank you