ylab-hi / ScanNeo

A pipeline for identifying indel derived neoantigens using RNA-Seq data
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why does ScanNeo realign with bwa? #1

Closed indapa closed 3 years ago

indapa commented 5 years ago

Really interesting paper and tool. I'm wondering why reads are converted to single end and then realigned with bwa, as described in the publication?

Retained reads were converted to single-end reads in FASTQ file using BEDTools (Quinlan and Hall, 2010) and re-aligned using BWA-MEM (Li, 2013) which reports chimeric alignments with an ‘SA’ tag in the alignment records. Finally, ScanNeo applied transIndel (Yang et al., 2018) to determine small to large-sized indels from the RNA-Seq reads. Indel calls were reported in variant call format (VCF) file.

dolittle007 commented 3 years ago

Because in the previous step, we removed spliced reads with inferred transcriptional directions but not carrying indels within their alignment. it made paired-end reads mapping impossible. Additionally, transIndel need chimeric alignments from BWA-MEM to infer small to large-sized Indels. Thus, BWA-MEM was applied to single-end reads mapping.