If there is a referrer in the right pane, and the referrer has multiple links in the details, only one link is rendered and the others are not when the referrer is expanded - looking like [Title](:/identifier)
Here's what one of my referrers looks like when I expand it
Find Hackathon Planning Materials 1
[Running a Hackathon Links ](:/abd586914d7c403e9da7554ef01f83a1/)
from Dan Status
Both "Running a Hackathon Links" and "Dan Status" are links
If there is a referrer in the right pane, and the referrer has multiple links in the details, only one link is rendered and the others are not when the referrer is expanded - looking like
Here's what one of my referrers looks like when I expand it REFERRERS
Find Hackathon Planning Materials 1
[Running a Hackathon Links ](:/abd586914d7c403e9da7554ef01f83a1/)
from Dan Status
Both "Running a Hackathon Links" and "Dan Status" are links