ylecuyer / envify

Colorify tabs with current env
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Environments disappeared #21

Closed breggles closed 4 years ago

breggles commented 5 years ago

Started up FF this morning, the envify options tab loaded by itself (it does that sometimes) and all my environments were gone (that's the first time it's done that). I last ran FF last Friday and I'm pretty sure the environments were fine, then.

ylecuyer commented 5 years ago

I pushed an update at the beginning of the month. It may be related. Did you update the addon recently? The configuration can be synced too. Did you change the account you use with Firefox recently?

breggles commented 5 years ago

The add-on is set to auto-update. It says:

Version 0.3 Last Updated July 29, 2019

So I don't think the update did it. I haven't changed my account and I'm still logged in to my account. I don't sync add-ons because i use different add-ons on different machines. Or is it syncing options what does it?

ludsoft commented 5 years ago

First, thanks a lot for the add-on! It's really usefull and really well done. I've got the same issue with the environments that disappeared for the second time in a month. I'm using firefox on Ubuntu. It seems that it happens when firefox is updated using the usual ubuntu update system. Same as @breggles the last update of envify is July 29. I do not sync add-ons either. I'm sure I had firefox updated in the past without any issue. Let me know if any additional info would be helpful.

Is there a way for me to make a local backup of the environment list and to restore it when it happens?

breggles commented 5 years ago

For what it's worth, i'm using FF in Windows 10.

garrettw commented 5 years ago

Same problem here. I'm on Firefox Developer Edition on macOS Mojave and I just updated Firefox and lost all of my envify settings. Super unhappy about this because I had several and didn't have them saved anywhere (didn't think I needed to).

arnaud-jacquemin commented 5 years ago

Same problem here, for the second time in less than a month. I'm currently using Firefox 69.0, installed on the 9th of September. I can't remember if the problem occurred that day. I can send the about:support report if it helps.

ylecuyer commented 4 years ago

I still haven't found the root cause of this error.

I'll add an export/import settings so you all can save you configuration externally and import it if this is to occur again. This will help with the frustration while we find the root cause.

ylecuyer commented 4 years ago

Here is the PR https://github.com/ylecuyer/envify/pull/22 Please have a look at it, I'll merge it by the end of the week (23/09/2019) and publish a new version of the extension if it is OK for everyone

ludsoft commented 4 years ago

Looking at PR #22 that would work for me to save the configuration and re import it.
To add on the mystery, I don't think I lost the my environments while upgrading to FF69. Thanks a lot for PR #22.

FlyveHest commented 4 years ago

Just restarted FF due to an update this morning, and this happened to me as well (Now running FF 70 and 0.4 of the extension)

The Envify configuration screen popped up, and it was empty, could it be related to an update to FF that somehow removes all your settings?

FlyveHest commented 4 years ago

That very much seems to be the case, because I just got an update to 70.1, restarted, and all my configures environments were gone.

FlyveHest commented 4 years ago

Just updated to 71, and all environments gone again.

ylecuyer commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your report. I hope you had your configuration saved and you were able to restore it after that :(

I still have to do some experiments with FF upgrades to pin point the root of all those troubles

ludsoft commented 4 years ago

It happened to me again with the upgrade to 72 (as it did with several others upgrade) and it never happens outside of FF update. A non issue as my environments are saved so it's a 5 second job to have everything running again. I think I've read somewhere that firefox is increasing the number of releases to monthly, will have to spend 5 seconds more often then :-).

FlyveHest commented 4 years ago

And it is probably a bigger issue for users that haven't saved their setup and/or have found this issue so they know what to do.

ajoah commented 4 years ago

Hi @ylecuyer

I have never developed a firefox extension but anyway i have looked at the code :


The documentation gives the possible values of reason : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/runtime/OnInstalledReason

Don't you think that when there is a browser update, reason value is browser_update and not update so data is erased ?

ylecuyer commented 4 years ago

Yes @ajoah you're right ! thanks for the investigation I didn't get that the extension gets reinstalled on browser update but now that I see it, it seems logical.

I have made a fix here #25 I hope you can review it and then I will be able to push an update that will fix all the trouble :)

ylecuyer commented 4 years ago

Eventually, this bug has been fixed in the 0.5 version :)