yllan / JXLook

JPEG-XL viewer on macOS
MIT License
66 stars 7 forks source link

Make new release #21

Closed sharpenedblade closed 1 year ago

sharpenedblade commented 2 years ago

As compiling requires a developer certificate, I think you should make a release. There is thumbnail support now, so not releasing means people cannot use the new feature.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Let's see what comes first. The 2-year awaited release of JXLook 0.1.5. Or the JPEG XL support in macOS Sonoma pre-announced today:

macOS 14 will support JPEG XL

sharpenedblade commented 1 year ago

Let's see what comes first. The 2-year awaited release of JXLook 0.1.5. Or the JPEG XL support in macOS Sonoma pre-announced today:

macOS 14 will support JPEG XL

This is too late, chrome and firefox already dropped jpeg XL support, so its not going anywhere. Also we could always compile from source with a $99 apple developer license

low-batt commented 10 months ago

An Apple developer license is not required to build JXLook. More on that below…


As I am a Firefox user, this caught my attention:

firefox already dropped jpeg XL support

The Internet is confused about this due to people testing JPEG XL images with the released version of Firefox. From Experimental features in Firefox:

Note that, as shown below, the feature is only available on Nightly builds (irrespective of whether the preference is set).

The preference referred to is image.jxl.enabled which is set to false by default, including in Nightly builds. I suspect that note was added due to people setting that preference to true in other builds of Firefox and concluding JPEG XL support is broken or dropped.

The Firefox bug tracking this is Implement support for JPEG XL (image/jxl), which is still open. Recently the keyword parity-safari was added.

Another consideration is web standards. Back in January, Mozilla concluded that we are neutral on JPEG-XL.

To be certain I was not providing incorrect information I downloaded the latest Firefox Nightly build, set the above preference to true and opened a JPEG XL image. Screenshot attached at the bottom of this comment.

My own conclusion is that Firefox has not dropped support and is watching on the sidelines, waiting to see which new image format gets adopted.


Indeed Chrome has pulled support for JPEG XL over lots of objections.

On August 7th Phoronix posted Google May Reconsider JPEG-XL Image Support Within Chrome.

I would think it would take a lot for Chrome to reverse course.


Of course the recent interesting news is this from the Safari Technology Preview 173 Release Notes:

JPEG XL support on macOS Sonoma adds a new image format with an improved compression algorithm for better image quality at smaller file sizes than JPEG, but with the same progressive loading capability.


I'm not running the macOS Sonoma Beta, but from what I've read it is looking like the need for JXLook will be going away due to the native support in macOS. Nonetheless there are people in the world who are trapped running older versions of macOS. If use of JPEG XL picks up they would benefit from JXLook.

The open JXLook pull request #27 contains various enhancements such as updating libjxl to v0.82.0 and support for HDR including enabling EDR. See that PR for details.

I too ran into the problem with the Xcode build failing due to certificate signing. This is still true with the above PR as I preserved the existing Xcode project settings.

To get the build to work change the Signing Certificate Xcode setting from Development to Sign to Run Locally in all three projects as shown here:


This is how I pulled the PR for that test:

Cloning and checking out PR: ```text low-batt@gag jxlook-signing$ git clone git@github.com:yllan/JXLook.git Cloning into 'JXLook'... remote: Enumerating objects: 808, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (44/44), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done. remote: Total 808 (delta 40), reused 40 (delta 40), pack-reused 764 Receiving objects: 100% (808/808), 13.11 MiB | 10.47 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (413/413), done. low-batt@gag jxlook-signing$ cd JXLook/ low-batt@gag JXLook (main=)$ gh pr checkout 27 remote: Enumerating objects: 58, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (24/24), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done. remote: Total 58 (delta 21), reused 21 (delta 21), pack-reused 34 Unpacking objects: 100% (58/58), 3.39 MiB | 3.04 MiB/s, done. From github.com:yllan/JXLook * [new ref] refs/pull/27/head -> hdr Switched to branch 'hdr' low-batt@gag JXLook (hdr)$ ```

The latest Firefox Nightly build displaying a JPEG XL screenshot I made from Big Buck Bunny:
