I need to retrieve information from the API key multiple times within the website but I find myself calling it way too many times, I need to figure out a way to call it once in the #utils.js file and import in to the other files.
`export function displayKeto(data) {
// Log the entire data to inspect its structure
console.log("API response data:", data);
// Assuming recipes is an array, you can customize this based on the actual structure
const recipes = data.results; // Adjust the key based on the API response structure
if (!Array.isArray(recipes)) {
console.error("Invalid data format: recipes is not an array");
const recipeHtml = recipes.map(recipe => `
<div class="recipe">
<a href="../recipe-display/recipecontainer.html?id=${recipe.id}" target="_blank">${recipe.title}</a>
<input type="checkbox" class="save-recipe-checkbox" data-recipe-id="${recipe.id}" />
// Insert the recipe HTML into the container
const recipeContainer = document.getElementById('recipeContainer');
if (recipeContainer) {
recipeContainer.innerHTML = recipeHtml;
window.onload = function () {
//Use the api from my .env file creted in the root folder, create the variable and use it in the fetch
const apiKey = 'f2e848f81f85424ab0240a9b15ded9da';
const apiUrl = `https://api.spoonacular.com/recipes/complexSearch?diet=ketogenic&apiKey=${apiKey}`;
// Fetch data from the Spoonacular API
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
// Handle the data and display the recipes
.catch(error => {
console.error("Error fetching recipes:", error);
I need to retrieve information from the API key multiple times within the website but I find myself calling it way too many times, I need to figure out a way to call it once in the #utils.js file and import in to the other files.
`export function displayKeto(data) { // Log the entire data to inspect its structure console.log("API response data:", data);
window.onload = function () {
}; `