Open bsima opened 8 years ago
(def zk (make-zk-server))
=> #'kafka-proxy.core-test/zk
(start-embedded-zk zk)
16-09-01 18:07:07 Mac.local INFO [travel-zoo.embedded.server:20] - Starting Embedded Zookeeper server -
Exception in thread "Thread-8" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: configFileStr
at org.apache.curator.test.QuorumConfigBuilder$1.<init>(
at org.apache.curator.test.QuorumConfigBuilder.buildConfig(
at org.apache.curator.test.TestingZooKeeperServer$
(list-open-ports zk)
IllegalStateException Timed out waiting for watch removal org.apache.curator.test.TestingZooKeeperMain.blockUntilStarted (
=> 2181
Running the default functions you suggest using Clojure 1.8 in the REPL - any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
This is probably coming late for you, but could be useful if someone else is wondering what is going on. The problem is with the transitive dependencies:
[ymilky/travel-zoo "0.0.2"] -> [org.apache.curator/curator-test "3.1.0"] -> [org.apache.zookeeper/zookeeper "3.5.1-alpha" :exclusions [com.sun.jmx/jmxri com.sun.jdmk/jmxtools javax.jms/jms junit org.slf4j/slf4j-log4j12]]
Zookeeper 3.5.1-alpha is the culprit. You'll need to manually downgrade to the correct curator-test, which will bring the proper Zookeeper, like this:
{:dependencies [[ymilky/franzy-embedded "0.0.1"] [ymilky/travel-zoo "0.0.2"] [org.apache.curator/curator-test "3.0.0"]]}
This same code works from a REPL in travel-zoo, so it's almost surely something with my project, but I can't figure out what. Is there some additional hard version dependency or configuration that I should be aware of? I've been trying to fix this for way too long now..