**Failed in:** [runtime-coreclr libraries-jitstress 20241117.1](https://dev.azure.com/dnceng-public/public/_build/results?buildId=871869&view=ms.vss-test-web.build-test-results-tab&runId=22731574&resu…
In [`7ec8cce`](https://github.com/hupratt/upptime/commit/7ec8cce9307e6a13908282f0b87d3cf2a02eb054
), Mortgage Calculator (https://minio-api.thekor.eu/mortgage-calculator-f1492f08-f236-4a55-afb7-70ded2…
I think we should consider removing the default `configurations` and `attributes` from the template. I think it just makes it messy. Might be more useful if we knew that each value in say `configur…
I'm really looking forward to it. It's the best app for me.
The X509Certificate.CreateFromSignedFile method is marked as obsolete in .Net 9.0 with the following text:
> Loading certificate data through the constructor or Import is obsolete. Use X509Certificat…
list containers, import setttings, stop/remove old one, create and start new one with exactly same settings
## Goals
- Use the ULTIMATE bem-te-vi stack (Hono, NodeJS, TypeScript, PostgreSQL, Remix).
- Good UX.
- Document everything important. It's not about the code but the reasoning behind every decis…
but the waydroid toolbox gets installed and works??