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Bug: Houdini Publish error when publishing Bgeo Bgeo.Sc (single Frame / Frame Range) #6178

Closed Lyon-Rosenblatt-Ynput closed 4 days ago

Lyon-Rosenblatt-Ynput commented 5 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Current Behavior:

when Publishing Bgeo sequence from Houdini the Integrate Hero Version errors do to missing Values.

File "/home/workh/Ynput/dev/OpenPype/openpype/plugins/publish/integrate_hero_version.py", line 363, in integrate_instance head, tail = _template_filled.split(frame_splitter) ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

When Publishing Bgeo in Single Frame mode. publish deletes the .bgeo / bgeo.sc extensions from the files that are stored in the Vxxx and hero folders. The Work file Export is fine tho.

Expected Behavior:

Expected behavior would be that the Export copies/published the right files into the Vxxx and Hero founders i would also expect that hero integration would get the right Data in order to process the integration on sequence files.



What platform you are running OpenPype on?

Windows, Linux / RedHat

Steps To Reproduce:

For Sequence

  1. Open Houdini Create some points
  2. Create a Bgeo export from the Create menu
  3. Set the Export to single Frame
  4. Look into the error logs and go to Integrate Hero Version

For Single Frame Export

  1. set frame range ENUM (Valid Frame Range) to (Current)
  2. Publish
  3. Look into Hero/Vxxx foulder // the file extension will be . instead of .bgeo.sc / .bgeo

Are there any labels you wish to add?

Relevant log output:

------------------------------------- Frame Range --------------------------------------

File "/home/workh/Ynput/dev/OpenPype/openpype/plugins/publish/integrate_hero_version.py", line 363, in integrate_instance
    head, tail = _template_filled.split(frame_splitter)
 ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

------------------------------------- Single --------------------------------------
DEBUG: Integrating source files to destination ...
DEBUG: Checking file ... /home/workh/Documents/AyonUsd/Usd_Base/Assets/sim_r42/work/test_sim_r42/pyblish/pointcacheGustaf.1126.bgeo.sc -> /home/workh/Documents/AyonUsd/Usd_Base/Assets/sim_r42/publish/pointcache/pointcacheGustaf/v005/UB_sim_r42_pointcacheGustaf_v005.
DEBUG: Copying file ... /home/workh/Documents/AyonUsd/Usd_Base/Assets/sim_r42/work/test_sim_r42/pyblish/pointcacheGustaf.1126.bgeo.sc -> /home/workh/Documents/AyonUsd/Usd_Base/Assets/sim_r42/publish/pointcache/pointcacheGustaf/v005/UB_sim_r42_pointcacheGustaf_v005.

Additional context:

No response


MustafaJafar commented 5 months ago

As far as this issue is consisting of two parts:

  1. Set Houdini hero version template (as the default hero version is doesn't include frames by default <.{@frame}> )
  2. A bug with publishing the current frame in Bgeo which has nothing to do with the hero version (I hope.)

Regards the hero version template:

you can either update the default hero version or create a new hero version for houdini.

you will need to add hero_ prefix when using custom hero template.



Bgeo Current frame bug.

Publishing the current frame was not favored as from pipeline perspective there is no clue what is the intended frame to publish. That's why we added this logic


@BigRoy mentioned that many times in different discussions I'll put their links for reference later.

When publishing, there are 3 cases:

  1. Set Frame Range [Start, End] image Frame Range in loader is set properly to start, end image

  2. Set Frame Range [Frame, Frame] image Frame Range is set properly to the given frame. image

  3. Use Current Frame. image Frame Range is set to the current frame image

Where is the Bug ?

I believe the bug in getting the extension of the bego file.

Thanks for pointing that out! I'll update the Houdini docs as soon as possible.

MustafaJafar commented 4 days ago

I believe is no longer happening in ayon. Therefore, closing this issue.