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Nuke: Support options for reading deep exr in load clips #555

Closed moonyuet closed 1 month ago

moonyuet commented 1 month ago

Changelog Description

This PR is to add the support of reading deep exr in load clips. Users can choose to turn on/off of reading the deep exr node. By default is False.

Additional info

Make sure you have built the latest nuke addon for this support.

Testing notes:

  1. Go to ayon+settings://nuke/load/LoadClip/options_defaults/deep_exr to turn on the toggle
  2. Or you can choose the options through AYON->Load... after launching Nuke image image
  3. Load the clips
  4. The deep read node should be used for loading clip while the deep exr option turns on. The read node should be used when the option turns off.
ynbot commented 1 month ago

Task linked: AY-5543 nuke: deep exr loading

moonyuet commented 1 month ago

Issue is that colorspace knob DeepLoader class doesn't exists. image

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\CODE\__PYPE\ayon-core\client\ayon_core\tools\loader\models\actions.py", line 740, in _load_representations_by_loader
  File "C:\CODE\__PYPE\ayon-core\client\ayon_core\pipeline\load\utils.py", line 323, in load_with_repre_context
    return loader.load(repre_context, name, namespace, options)
  File "C:\CODE\__PYPE\ayon-core\client\ayon_core\hosts\nuke\plugins\load\load_clip.py", line 192, in load
  File "C:\CODE\__PYPE\ayon-core\client\ayon_core\hosts\nuke\plugins\load\load_clip.py", line 418, in set_colorspace_to_node
    and colorspace_exists_on_node(read_node, used_colorspace)
  File "C:\CODE\__PYPE\ayon-core\client\ayon_core\hosts\nuke\api\utils.py", line 110, in colorspace_exists_on_node
    colorspace_knob = node['colorspace']
NameError: knob colorspace does not exist

Fixed. Can you please test again? Thanks!