ynwarcs / CVE-2024-38063

poc for CVE-2024-38063 (RCE in tcpip.sys)
MIT License
566 stars 103 forks source link

Some feedback and ping back #4

Open tijldeneut opened 2 weeks ago

tijldeneut commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, got it to work perfectly, even managed to crash Win Server 2022 with Firewall enabled. Tested on VMware Workstation.

I expanded your work a little bit with some scripts of my own:

Checker: https://github.com/tijldeneut/Security/blob/master/CVE-2024-38063-Checker.py Exploit: https://github.com/tijldeneut/Security/blob/master/CVE-2024-38063-DOS.py

Thanks again, love the work.

ynwarcs commented 2 weeks ago

hey, thanks for the feedback.

I want to leave the original poc in this bare bones format to keep it simple, but I wouldn't mind linking to your work in the readme, so that others can make use of them. I won't be doing much more work on this vulnerability as I have to focus on something else, but I can give a quick test to the scripts and link to them if you'd like that. It would also be pretty nice to have a script that tells us whether the system is coalescing packets, but I think a checker script that analyzes the number of responses to a malformed+proper packet duo would also work in that case, as long as we know the system is vulnerable.