yo-han / Home-Assistant-Carelink

Unofficial Home Assistant Carelink Component
MIT License
19 stars 8 forks source link

fixed __get_login_session 504 gateway timeout #39

Closed sedy89 closed 10 months ago

sedy89 commented 10 months ago

I had the same issue that was reported by other users Cant sign-in #38 The configuration window of the integration was showing username/password issues.

After some tesing I was able to pass the login sequence by deleting the predefined common headers in api.py.

Seems like there is no other change required. Would be nice if someone could cross check... BR

Mister86NL commented 10 months ago

Gevalideerd, account werd direct geaccepteerd. @yo-han @sedy89

yo-han commented 10 months ago

Yes, works on my machine.

yo-han commented 10 months ago

It's good to keep an eye on this issue because I'm not completely sure why these headers are an issue suddenly. It can be something like Medtronic blocking these requests or a switch in response types use by the Medtronic clients.