yo-han / Traktable

Trakt Scrobbler for iTunes/AppleTV
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Traktable crashing #13

Closed RandmTask closed 9 years ago

RandmTask commented 10 years ago


I am trying to use Traktable for the first time, however it keeps hanging when I click Manual Sync. I have so far tried v0.5.2, 0.5.1 and 0.5 however the same result (spinning beach ball and/or the crash dialog)

I have a moderate size library of 165 movies and 3150 episodes of TV Shows

Any ideas on how to get this working?

SYSTEM: OS X 10.9.3 iTunes 11.2.2 Mac Mini 5,1 (2011) 16gb 1333MHz DDR3 RAM 2.3ghz i5 https://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/mac_mini/specs/mac-mini-core-i5-2.3-mid-2011-specs.html

yo-han commented 10 years ago

The manual sync should not be necessary. All syncing is done in the background. The app is probably to busy syncing and downloading everything and that will make it crash in the end.

In an upcoming version I will remove the manual sync button probably because for now it doensn't solve any problems. It makes peoblems.

RandmTask commented 10 years ago

Thanks yo-han,

I tried leaving the program open for a while and waiting for the background syncing but nothing seems to happen.

Also tried the iTunes sync and it comes up with a popup 'Start iTunes library import' but doesnt seem to do much else either.

In iTunes 96 of my 165 movies are marked as watched and 670 of 3150 TV Shows watched.

In Traktable:

Movies: 10 entries TV Shows: Empty History: 10 entries Errors: Empty Scrobble queue: 'Nothing in the queue. Everything is scrobbled'

Hope that helps in the diagnosis

RandmTask commented 10 years ago

OK seems to be working (kind of) ok. A status bar which tells you that it is working would be great

Having a different problem with artwork not matching the titles.



yo-han commented 10 years ago

This is probably because the background sync and manual sync run at the same time. For now I can't do much. Like I said, first I will remove the manual sync to see if that helps.

yo-han commented 9 years ago

Please check https://github.com/yo-han/Traktable/issues/16