Closed spaceC00kie closed 3 months ago
Any error in the JavaScript console? Is the animation working in your browser on the demo page? (toggle the "Animation" button + play moves to see the difference with vs. without animation)
Yes, the animation on the demo page does work.
I created a fresh TypeScript/React app and set up an example with minimal code. There are no errors in the JavaScript console.
import { useEffect, useState } from "react"
import { Chessboard } from "kokopu-react"
// @ts-ignore
import ndjsonStream from "can-ndjson-stream"
export interface ChessStream {
getReader: () => {
read: () => Promise<Res>
export interface Res {
value: {
t: string
d: Featured | Move
done: boolean
export interface Featured {
id: string
orientation: "black" | "white"
players: Player[]
fen: string
wc: number
bc: number
export interface Move {
fen: string
lm: string
wc: number
bc: number
export interface Player {
color: string
user: {
name: string
id: string
title?: string
rating: number
seconds: number
function App() {
const [fen, setFen] = useState(
"rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"
const streamLichessTV = () => {
const handleStream = (stream: ChessStream) => {
const streamReader = stream.getReader() (res: Res) => {
while (!res || !res.done) {
res = await
const callApi = () => {
const url = ""
fetch(url, {
method: "get",
.then(data => ndjsonStream(data.body))
useEffect(streamLichessTV, [])
return <Chessboard animated position={fen} />
export default App
I expected the position changes between the fens from the stream to animate, but they don't.
Thank you for responding so fast! I'm very grateful.
You must use the move
attribute of the Chessboard
component. For instance:
<Chessboard position="rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1" move="e4" animated />
Otherwise, the component cannot guess which piece should be animated.
Got it. Thanks!
Setting "animated" to true or false currently has no impact on the appearance of moving pieces.
I'm consuming the Lichess TV API, and I want to display the game with the kokopu-react board.
This component displays the fen from Lichess:
However, the transitions between moves are not being animated. I can provide more complete code if needed.
Thanks! I appreciate any help you can offer.