yocontra / JMD

Java bytecode analysis/deobfuscation tool
MIT License
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Where does JMD output #11

Open SCLeoX opened 8 years ago

SCLeoX commented 8 years ago

I cannot find where does JMD output to. The origin file does not seem to be changed. I have no idea where the results goes.

yocontra commented 8 years ago

@SCLeoX It replaces the input file with a modified file IIRC

SCLeoX commented 8 years ago

@contra Is that means JDM cannot find anything to deobfuscate if I see the last time modified is not changed?

kidoz commented 8 years ago

@SCLeoX Please, if possible, attach example.

SCLeoX commented 8 years ago

@kidoz For some reason, I cannot upload a ZIP file. So I renamed its extension to pdf. I guess you can get it back by change its extension to jar. In fact, I believe I used JMD wrongly so I get no result. Here is the script I used:

SET TARGET=SomePlugin.jar
java -jar JMD.jar "%TARGET%\%TARGET%" zkm true
java -jar JMD.jar "%TARGET%\%TARGET%" allatori true
java -jar JMD.jar "%TARGET%\%TARGET%" DashO true
java -jar JMD.jar "%TARGET%\%TARGET%" jshrink true
java -jar JMD.jar "%TARGET%\%TARGET%" dasho true
java -jar JMD.jar "%TARGET%\%TARGET%" smokescreen true
java -jar JMD.jar "%TARGET%\%TARGET%" genericstringdeobfuscator true
java -jar pdc.jar -jar %TARGET%\%TARGET% -o %TARGET%\out


ghost commented 8 years ago

SET TARGET=SomePlugin.jar java -jar JMD.jar "%TARGET%" zkm true java -jar JMD.jar "%TARGET%" allatori true java -jar JMD.jar "%TARGET%" DashO true java -jar JMD.jar "%TARGET%" jshrink true java -jar JMD.jar "%TARGET%" dasho true java -jar JMD.jar "%TARGET%" smokescreen true java -jar JMD.jar "%TARGET%" genericstringdeobfuscator true java -jar pdc.jar -jar %TARGET% -o %TARGET%\out pause

ghost commented 8 years ago

Try that though I can barely read the original script :/