[kevinolson@node(..home/kevinolson/smog)]: bin/smog
connect.staticCache() is deprecated and will be removed in 3.0
use varnish or similar reverse proxy caches.
Server started on 8080
= Please ensure that you set the default safe variable to one of the =
= allowed values of [true | false | {j:true} | {w:n, wtimeout:n} | {fsync:true}] =
= the default value is false which means the driver receives does not =
= return the information of the success/error of the insert/update/remove =
= =
= ex: new Db(new Server('localhost', 27017), {safe:false}) =
= =
= http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/getLastError+Command =
= =
= The default of false will change to true in the near future =
= =
= This message will disappear when the default safe is set on the driver Db =
= Please ensure that you set the default safe variable to one of the =
= allowed values of [true | false | {j:true} | {w:n, wtimeout:n} | {fsync:true}] =
= the default value is false which means the driver receives does not =
= return the information of the success/error of the insert/update/remove =
= =
= ex: new Db(new Server('localhost', 27017), {safe:false}) =
= =
= http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/getLastError+Command =
= =
= The default of false will change to true in the near future =
= =
= This message will disappear when the default safe is set on the driver Db =
{"name":"bob","_id":new ObjectID("50b59993c3651c319b000001"),"__v":0} [TypeError: Cannot call method 'parse' of undefined]
{"name":"bob","_id":new ObjectID("50b59997da128a3a9b000001"),"__v":0} [TypeError: Cannot call method 'parse' of undefined]
{"name":"bob","_id":new ObjectID("50b59993c3651c319b000001"),"__v":0} [TypeError: Cannot call method 'parse' of undefined]
{"name":"bob","_id":new ObjectID("50b59997da128a3a9b000001"),"__v":0} [TypeError: Cannot call method 'parse' of undefined]
thanks for the quick fix, got some more issues: