yocxo / studio

A really awesome Turborepo that makes us look super smart. Hope no one reads the fine print to see it was forked by the geniuses @juliusmarminge and @t3-oss . 👏🏽
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feat: draft faq #50

Closed srizvi closed 5 months ago

srizvi commented 6 months ago

Figure out who's going to work on what, create new issues or subtasks as needed. Update assignees accordingly.

rradice13 commented 6 months ago
rradice13 commented 6 months ago

DRAFT FAQ: @srizvi @ambi-dar

I've taken the first pass at the FAQ. Split them up into sambi specific, then more process/digital marketing based and then some SEO optimized.

Hopefully 🤞🏼 I got close to nailing our tone and self-deprecating sense of humor.

I figured I'd get the first draft out (know I'm missing some), you and Ambreen can review, I'll make updates and then she can refine/edit.

# Who is sambi?
Ambreen (the design shero), Sam (the tech whiz), and Rebekah (the marketing rockstar). We're a teeny 3-person principal-only agency that turns "what if" into "wow", one killer campaign at a time.

# Who does sambi help?
We work with ambitious folks with big ideas (and maybe even bigger headaches). If you're struggling to turn "what ifs" into "holy sh*t, it worked!", we're your team.

# Where are you located?
Our official address is "the internet."  But if you need a physical location, we've got hubs in Los Angeles, Hong Kong, and Pakistan. Global team = round-the-clock support for you.

# What's your company culture like?
Think organized chaos with a healthy dose of sarcasm. We take our work seriously (most of the time), but not ourselves.  We're big on collaboration, flexibility, and the occasional meme battle to lighten the mood.

# Are you a real company with real people?
As real as any company made up of people who met online can be.  We've got a website, a team of talented humans, and a track record of helping businesses succeed (despite our questionable sanity at times).

# Who wrote this amazing copy?
Our team brainstormed most of it, fueled by too much Yerba Mate and desperation.  But hey, sometimes inspiration strikes when you're facing a deadline and crushing anxiety.

# Who built this awesome website? (and where can I learn their coding secrets?)
That'd be Sam. It's a mix of Next.js, React, and a lot of overnight experimentation. The real magic? Clear messaging + a dash of self-deprecation. Need something similar? Let's talk.

# Do you take on projects outside of Upwork?
Nope! All our client work flows through Upwork keeping things smooth and secure for both us and our clients. Plus, its where we've built a rockstar reputation (5-star reviews, baby!).

# Where can we find you on Upwork?
We're probably buried somewhere under 100 proposals and questionable job postings. But hey, if you're up for an adventure (and potentially saving some money), you can click here and see what we're all about.

# Does sambi work hourly or project-based on Upwork?
We're flexible (mostly). Need us for a quick fix? Hourly it is. Big project with lots of moving parts? Project-based keeps things sane (for everyone involved).

# How much does it cost to hire sambi?
Think of it like asking "how much is a car?" Depends on if you want a used clunker or something fancy and fast. Either way, we're the team that doesn't just get it done, but gets it done right.

# What services does sambi offer?
We do the stuff you don't have time for, don't understand, or just don't want to do. Websites, digital marketing, social media, the whole nine yards…..and some stuff we'll make up as we go along.

# What are the benefits of working with sambi?
We'll grow your business while you regain your sanity. Or at least distract you from your problems with shiny new marketing results that knock your socks off.

# What if I'm not happy?
Impossible! (Okay, maybe not impossible...but we'll move mountains, oceans, and even endure your grumpy cat to make it right.) 100% happiness guarantee, or your money back (and maybe a free therapy session).

# How do I choose the right digital marketing agency?
If you want an agency with so many awards you'll feel inadequate — go for it. But if results (and maybe a few laughs) matter (like they should), that's us!

# How do you develop a digital marketing strategy?
Caffeine, a healthy dose of panic, and a deep understanding of your needs and your customers'. Oh, and did we mention buzzwords?

# How do you measure the success of a digital marketing campaign?
We'll throw around terms like ROI, KPIs, and LTV until you're nodding along in confusion. But the real question is: did it move the needle on your business objectives?

# How long does it take to see results from digital marketing
Want the honest answer or the one that'll get you to sign a contract? Ok… honest answer. It depends – on your goals, your market, the alignment of the planets...some days we're still figuring it out.

# How do you stay up-to-date with the latest digital marketing trends?
Google is our best friend, conferences are our excuse for naps, and we steal shamelessly, we mean borrow inspiration from the best.

# How do you get to know me, my business and goals?
We'll research and become a part of your world, market, dreams, darkest fears, and even learn what you ate for breakfast. The more you share, the more we can bill...we mean, help you achieve goals beyond your wildest imagination.

# What frameworks do you use?
We'll impress you with frameworks like AIDA, 4P's, Porter's Five Forces, and Blue Ocean.  They make us look smarter, and if things go south, we can always blame the methodology (and not our frantic late-night Googling sessions).

# How do you build and launch campaigns?
We ditch perfection in favor of progress.That means MVPs, fast feedback, and continuous improvement until we nail it.  Think of it as a crash course in market validation (with a side of interpretive dance breaks, just to keep things interesting).
srizvi commented 6 months ago

I think tool is awesome and this post I read resonated too. For e.g., everything we do for ourselves, like our websites and apps, we build in public, in all its miserable glory: https://app.campsite.co/campsite/p/notes/k45d8rtdqnlw

Great start!

rradice13 commented 6 months ago

Made updates to those and then added in several more - links to each "how we roll," the blog, generative blog, and more about us (why work with us, portfolio/samples to link to Upwork).

# Who is sambi?
Ambreen (the design shero), Sam (the tech whiz), and Rebekah (the marketing rockstar). We're a teeny 3-person principal-only agency that turns "what if" into "wow", one killer campaign at a time.

## Why work with sambi?
We're like a well-traveled band of digital misfits. Design expertise forged in Pakistan, tech wizardry honed in Hong Kong, and marketing smarts sharpened in LA. Global perspective + the ability to work across time zones = round-the-clock hustle.

## Who does sambi help?
We work with ambitious folks with big ideas (and maybe even bigger headaches). If you're struggling to turn "what ifs" into "holy sh*t, it worked!", we're your team.

## Where are you located?
Our official address is "the internet."  But if you need a physical location, we've got hubs in Los Angeles, Hong Kong, and Pakistan. Global team = round-the-clock support for you.

## What's your company culture like?
Think organized chaos with a healthy dose of sarcasm. We take our work seriously (most of the time), but not ourselves.  We're big on collaboration, flexibility, and the occasional meme battle to lighten the mood.

## Are you a real company with real people?
As real as any company made up of people who met online can be.  We've got a website, a team of talented humans, and a track record of helping businesses succeed (despite our questionable sanity at times).

## Who wrote this amazing copy?
Our team brainstormed most of it, fueled by too much Yerba Mate and desperation.  But hey, sometimes inspiration strikes when you're facing a deadline and crushing anxiety.

## Who built this awesome website? (and where can I learn their coding secrets?)
That'd be Sam. It's a mix of Next.js, React, and a lot of overnight experimentation. The real magic? Clear messaging + a dash of self-deprecation. Need something similar? Let's talk.

## Can I hire direct?
Sure, but why? Our Upwork pricing reflects mutually beneficial risk mitigation and our rate reflects that. Our direct rates have to account for payment-related risks because we're a small business so are typically 2-3x our Upwork rates.

## Where can we find you on Upwork?
We're probably buried somewhere under 100 proposals and questionable job postings. But hey, if you're up for an adventure (and potentially saving some money), you can click here and see what we're all about.

## Does sambi work hourly or project-based on Upwork?
We're flexible (mostly). Need us for a quick fix? Hourly it is. Big project with lots of moving parts? Project-based keeps things sane (for everyone involved).

## How much does it cost to hire sambi?
Think of it like asking "how much is a car?" Depends on if you want a used clunker or something fancy and fast. Either way, we're the team that doesn't just get it done, but gets it done right.

## What services does sambi offer?
We do the stuff you don't have time for, don't understand, or just don't want to do. Websites, digital marketing, social media, the whole nine yards…..and some stuff we'll make up as we go along.

## What are the benefits of working with sambi?
We'll grow your business while you regain your sanity. Or at least distract you from your problems with shiny new marketing results that knock your socks off.

## Do you have a portfolio or samples of your past campaigns or client work?
We do! But calling it a "portfolio" feels too stuffy. Think of it more like a mixtape of our greatest hits (and a few tracks that make us cringe, but hey, we're learning). Peep the mixtape here:

## Who's responsible for creating the deliverables sambi provides?
The 3 of us — our superpowers combined! Think of us as your outsourced brain trust, minus the office drama and weird water cooler chats.

## What if I'm not happy?
Impossible! (Okay, maybe not impossible...but we'll move mountains, oceans, and even endure your grumpy cat to make it right.) 100% happiness guarantee, or your money back (and maybe a free therapy session).

## Does early "discovery" into my business mean you'll be poking around in my dirty laundry?
Absolutely. We need the good, the bad, and the slightly embarrassing skeletons to figure out how to make you shine.

## What does the planning process look like?
It changes weekly, depending on which business guru posts we've been bingeing on. But rest assured, it'll have acronyms and arrows that make us sound way more organized than we actually are.

## How do I choose the right digital marketing agency?
If you want an agency with so many awards you'll feel inadequate — go for it. But if results (and maybe a few laughs) matter (like they should), that's us!

## How do you develop a digital marketing strategy?
Caffeine, a healthy dose of panic, and a deep understanding of your needs and your customers'. Oh, and did we mention buzzwords?

## How do you measure the success of a digital marketing campaign?
We'll throw around terms like ROI, KPIs, and LTV until you're nodding along in confusion. But the real question is: did it move the needle on your business objectives?

## How long does it take to see results from digital marketing?
Want the honest answer or the one that'll get you to sign a contract? Ok… honest answer. It depends – on your goals, your market, the alignment of the planets...some days we're still figuring it out.

## How do you stay up-to-date with the latest digital marketing trends?
Google is our best friend, conferences are our excuse for naps, and we steal shamelessly, we mean borrow inspiration from the best.

## How do you get to know me, my business and goals?
We'll research and become a part of your world, market, dreams, darkest fears, and even learn what you ate for breakfast. The more you share, the more we can bill...we mean, help you achieve goals beyond your wildest imagination. 

## What frameworks do you use?
What frameworks? It depends on ChatGPT's mood. RIght before our first call, we'll cram our preparation and it's kind of hit-and-miss. 🫠

## How do you build and launch campaigns?
We ditch perfection in favor of progress. That means MVPs, fast feedback, and continuous improvement until we nail it.  Think of it as a crash course in market validation (with a side of interpretive dance breaks, just to keep things interesting).

## Is your 'Generative blog' just a fancy way of saying you let AI do the writing?
Kinda. We believe in the magic of human-machine collaboration. It's like having a brainstorming buddy who never gets tired or complains about snacks.

## Your blog mentions spilling the beans...are you REALLY sharing all your secrets?
Yep, every bit of it. But that's how you learn, right? We give away our legos to share the highs and the cringe so you don't have to experience the ugly part of biz yourself.

## What's the difference between an MVP and me just winging it?
An MVP has some strategy behind it. "Winging it" has more potential for hilarious disaster stories (which we might use in our blog if you're cool with it).

## All this talk about data – are you secretly robots?
Sometimes we wonder that ourselves. But no, we're just nerds who get excited about spreadsheets and figuring out why people click on things.
rradice13 commented 6 months ago

@ambi-dar Mind reviewing/proofreading, suggesting updates/edits?

ambi-dar commented 6 months ago

@rradice13 just some minor edits to these two

Where are you located?

Our official address is "the internet." But if you need a physical location, we've got hubs in Los Angeles, Hong Kong, and Pakistan.

What frameworks do you use?

What frameworks? It depends on ChatGPT's mood.😉 Right before our first call, we'll cram our preparation and it's kind of hit-and-miss. 🫠