I inspect this issue when debug waveform using gtkwave.
On windows, the zoom in of gtkwave has a maximum ratio. In RSA implementation, the input data of 256 bits are too long that even in maximum ratio the data cannot fully show. To cope with this issue, I set simulated clock a longer period.
This change twice the period of clock, and make the period a constant in dut_wrapper. Later we can make this argument to constructor.
I inspect this issue when debug waveform using gtkwave. On windows, the zoom in of gtkwave has a maximum ratio. In RSA implementation, the input data of 256 bits are too long that even in maximum ratio the data cannot fully show. To cope with this issue, I set simulated clock a longer period. This change twice the period of clock, and make the period a constant in
. Later we can make this argument to constructor.